Going Vegetarian...



  • cupcakecarnivore
    Lots of great tips from everyone......just wanted to chime in.....become best friends with beans/lentils. Learn to love them if you don't already:) Also use Quinoa as much as possible, even in the place of rice....its super healthy and high in protein if you are worried that you won't be getting enough (I wouldn't worry about it though, you will be surprised how quickly protein adds up).
  • paintitblack
    I haven't eaten meat in years and, in fact, celebrated my two year anniversary as a vegan the other day! :D It's amazing how much awesome food is out there and it doesn't have to taste bland or like cardboard, which is a stereotype about veggie food. I think the main thing is to experiment. Changing your diet completely can be quite daunting and some people like to edge themselves in rather than just stop eating meat, which is something you might want to consider but isn't mandatory. Just find the veggie section at your local supermarket or health store and browse. Go grocery shopping and cook from scratch. Get a recipe book. Like with any diet, there'll be things you like and don't like so just try everything once until you can settle on a selection of varied, healthy meals with all the nutrients you need.

    It's such a nicer diet, I promise! You'll feel amazing whilst doing it. Just stick at it and have fun and you'll be fine!
  • driventotheend
    Hi! I've been a vegetarian for 8 years now and have just decided to go vegan. My advice is to focus your diet on the "new 4 food groups": vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes (beans). Add in nuts and seeds and/or dairy/eggs just as a garnish and for flavor, but not as the base of your diet.

    You can absolutely get enough protein and other nutrients as a vegetarian. If you decide to not eat dairy or eggs the only thing you really need to consider is vitamin B-12 which you can take as a supplement or get in fortified foods such as nutritional yeast or soy milk, cereal,etc. Also remember to get your omega-3's from foods like walnuts, flaxseeds, and leafy green vegetables.