Healthy Backyard Grilling Ideas

Yesterday, I made some delicious buffalo chicken hamburgers from a recipe I found on a website, and I thought I might share it. I wanted to make sure that I followed the recipe exactly, as it was the first time I was making it, but next time I think I'll modify some things. I was hoping to share the recipe here, and maybe see if anyone might have any other recipes for grilling? I'm always looking for new things to make on the grill!

1 package of Perdue Fit & Lean Ground Chicken
1 cup of Plain Breadcrumbs (any brand)
1/3 cup of Buffalo Wing Sauce (any brand)
1/4 cup of chopped onion (I used frozen onions)
1/2 cup of Crumbled Blue Cheese
1 Egg

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
Work into the shape of hamburger patties.
Grill until cooked to 165 degrees.

All in all, there are about 600 calories (give or take a few) in this recipe. In the future, I'd definitely add less blue cheese and more buffalo sauce, because it wasn't as spicy as I would have liked it.

Now, does anyone else has any recipes they'd like to share?