Hello ALL!

I have a few friends on the site, but would love to meet new people who are on the journey to losing weight and becoming healthier!! We all need a support team! I am teacher at Head Start and am going back to school in the Spring for my bach. degree in Elementary Ed! I love Twilight my family my friends football baseball bowling is my main passion & living life to the fullest! A few goals of mine for losing the weight are not only to be healthier, but to start a family & stop shopping at Lane Bryant LOL (they're expensive) :) So add me!! I would love to have my support grow bigger!!


  • shannybell
    shannybell Posts: 30 Member
    welcome! I am a teacher too! Feel free to add me!
  • mlt73
    mlt73 Posts: 1
    Hello, i am just getting started and i am very excited about getting back into shape. i would like to meet new people so we can be a positive support system for one another.
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Welcome!! This site is so fantastic, and seriously motivating. Good luck to you!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mymagicalinkerytour
    Hi! I'm just starting out here too. I also work in Early Childhood and have my BA in Elementary Ed - it's a tough field to break into here in New England with an abundance of Ed programs at every college around - hope you have better luck than I have had!

    I'm still learning my way around this site, but have found it really useful to keep a food diary anyway. The calorie count and deficits are still a little confusing for me, though I have seen a little movement on that scale dial!

    Feel free to friend me too!

  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    Welcome. U could do this