
I was rear ended a couple of weeks ago and on Saturday I had severe pain in my neck that ran down my shoulders and my right arm. I'm feeling a little better now but the chiropractor told me not to excercise until I feel 100%. I'm taking this week off from working out but I'm not sure what to do after that. I am training to become a certified Jazzercise instructor and my audition is in September. I have a lot of work to do and there are practice sessions coming up in the next few weeks that I can't afford to miss. Has anyone else had whiplash and what was your recovery time?


  • michaelaam18
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I had severe whiplash and took me 6-7 months before I could work out again.
  • AdrienneKaren
    AdrienneKaren Posts: 168 Member
    I had it once and it took about 2 weeks. I can't see why you shouldn't be able to walk. That's very low impact and can speed up the healing process. Also, I'd suggest gentle stretching on your neck. If it hurts, don't do it though.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    HEAL! I am telling you from experience, take the time to let the micro tears in you muscles and tendons to heal. In the long run, you will be glad you did!

    Also, have you seen a medical doctor and talked about physical therapy? I know I worked with the DC and the MD to get the best result.

    Good luck, and so sorry for your accident. That truly stinks!!:frown: