Excessive Exhaustion...



  • Shannon7713
    Shannon7713 Posts: 76 Member
    I was the same way when my daughter started soccer, i was afraid to leave her side, but the coaches were great and they had my number if they needed me.... I was in the same vicinity too so it made it easier... It is so much harder w/ one car... we have only one also so things are very limited :( As for the dvds have you tried Leslie Sansone dvds? Its walking away the lbs, I love it! When I cant do a good workout or walk, i put her one and burn away.... you get up a good sweat too...
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    Since he doesnt actually practice on the field then I am a little hesitant to leave him there alone.. what if he gets hurt?
    I feel your "one vehicle" pain. I drive my guy to and from work too so I pretty much do all the commuting for us.
    Anyway - maybe I'm from a different generation, but I played ALL SORTS of sports as a kid, soccer, softball, volleyball, roller hockey, football, etc, and I was ALWAYS left alone during practices from the time I was about 6 years old on up. (In the 1980's kidnapping was more the fear over injury, but still, danger is danger.) Maybe I got lucky, but my coach (sometimes coaches) kept a pretty good eye on us kids. One girl even broke her leg during practice and he was there with her, calling the ambulance from his cell phone and the parents next.

    I'm going to assume the coach is a responsible adult and that the league forced you to include emergency contact information on your son's paperwork. Carry your cell phone as your run or walk. (I have to do this because My Sailor's schedule is so crazy that it changes day to day. If I don't carry my cell phone I won't know if he'll have to stay on base over night or if I should come get him, or if he fell through some plating on the submarine -God forbid - or something.) I actually downloaded the Pandora Ap and I listen to music while I run, but the music will be interupted if someone calls or texts. Gives my hands something to do too.

    If something happens you'll be there as quickly as if you were in the same room (probably quicker 'cause you'll already be running)! As a goalie in soccer, I constantly came home with scrapes and bruises, and even a couple cracked ribs after a game. Girl's soccer can be pretty brutal when you're job is to throw yourself in front of a charging forward w/ a ball! lol It's par for the course and something you have to get used to when you play a rough sport, so I'm sure your son is getting introduced to the rough and tumble way that football works. But if anything more serious happened, the coaches would always call a parent. If you're concerned that the coach doesn't have your contact information, give it to him again when you get to the field, or tell him where you'll be if there's an issue.

    Where there is a will, there is a way!
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    I am constantly inspired by so many people on here making goals and reaching them over and over again until they reach their ultimate goal. There are women and men out there running families and maintaining full-time jobs.

    What I don't get is HOW?

    I am at work, absolutely exhausted because I didn't get more then 5 hours of sleep last night. This is a typical night and I don't know how to fix it. Let me explain.

    Wake up at 7am and make breakfast for children and we eat. 7:20 shower, 7:40 dres and brush teeth, gather everything for the day, out the door at 8:30. I start at 9am and work until 5pm. I do not get a lunch break so I eat while at my desk working. I leave the office at about 5:15 and head home. At 5:45 (rush hour) I am home, grab the kids and drive to football practice. 6:00pm (we get there at 6:15)football practice starts. I am there until 8:30pm (I considered driving to the gym during practice... but thats 30 minutes in the OTHER direction) Get home about 8:50, make dinner. Eat at 9:30 then clean up kitchen (no dishwasher) Done at 9:50. Make lunches for next day and get all snacks and childrens "daily to-do" list done and now its 10:10pm. Get some light laundry done and make sure the children are tucked in bed. 10:45 rolls around and I am exhausted.

    Am I supposed to work out now?? If so, then that takes me into 30 minutes exercising and then another shower. 1 hour later it is midnight and I still have to brush my teeth and fall asleep....

    Please! Any suggestions would be fantastic? Anyone know of a free helping hand?? I'll feed them :)
    You do more than enough running around in a typical day to lose weight! anything active counts as exercise, you don't need to do crazy amounts of exercise to lose weight no matter what people tell you! trust me, I know!

    Just been looking at your diary and I would look a lot more closely at your diet and see if you can make a few alterations to get the fat content down a little bit per day while increasing the protein, you should then start losing weight at a much better pace, your daily calorie goal is good (a tad low if anything!), it's just a matter of changing the ratio of fat/protein/carbs a bit to get the right balance to lose weight. and why oh why are you not watching your protein intake in your diary?!? protein is sooo important!

    For me I always stay well under 20g of fat a day and under 10g saturated fat per day, protein I have as much as I can in a day as its by FAR the best thing to make you feel full for longer while also preserving muscle tone, decreasing body fat and improving definition, I don't worry too much on carbs as long as I don't go crazy high.

    There ya go, you know most of my secrets and I have lost 120lbs so far, keep us updated! :smile:
    P.S, On my diary I have Calories, Carbs, Fat and Protein visible :smile: