How do I avoid stress eating at work?

OK so I put a lot of time and money into applying and testing for this really awesome job that I just found out I did not get. Im all bla bla bla i hate my life but im trying to hide it because work just isnt the place to do that kind of thing. SOOOO I'm sitting at my desk but all I can think about is food. Because when I'm stressed - that's what I do. I eat... OH here, this cookie will make me feel better. Well that's what got me into this mess!!! A lifetime of feel better cookies!

Its not like I can get up and go for a run or take a nap which is really what I'd like to do - so what the H*ll am I supposed to do?! The longer I sit here and try to distract myself with work the worse its getting.... I even drank a 20 oz bottle of water thinking, if I feel full off of this water then I wont want food. Nope - I even ate one of those trail mix fruit and nut bars that I LOVE but still.... just food.... Anybody have any suggestions for until I get off of work and can embrace the stupid job situation? Now is just not the time to deal with it...


  • Tuffjourney
    Gosh that is sooo me. So I bring a bag of carrot slices to work. Heck, I'm not really even a fan of them. But, they are there when I get frustrated and need to munch. I am such an emotional eater that I need something. But they have been a blessing for me.:bigsmile: