Need calorie info on rasberry carmel cappuccino from 7/11?

I bought an 24 oz Rasberry Caramel Cappuccino from 7/11 this morning. Limited flavor and I can't find the nutritional info for it so far, anywhere. Does anyone have any info, by any chance? Thank you!! :flowerforyou:


  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Try googling it? I found the 7/11 crystal light slurpees that way and :smile: . It might be a pain in the rear to add it to your database, but if you have it frequently or know you will again in the future that's a good option.
  • corymomma
    corymomma Posts: 405 Member
    Best guestimate I can give you and this is using Starbucks and piecing together 2 drinks to make the raspberry caramel cappuccino is close to 500 calories. Like I said that is the best guestimate I can come up with...I took the Caramel Cappuccino calories, and added the calories of the difference of a "regular" ice tea and raspberry ice least it's a starting point...anyone have any other ideas?
  • dovenotes
    dovenotes Posts: 46 Member
    I don't know how many calories are in it, but I heard some of those take-out drinks can be very high in calories, many more than you might think. Some lattes for example can be well over 1000 cals and up! Thats a whole days worth of calories for me, and therefore not a good thing for anyone on a weightloss plan.
    l try and find out calories ahead of time when possible, and plan it in to my diary. Some chains have websites which give calories, or nutritional facts you can ask for at the store. Don't know about 711 though. Good luck!:smile: