Help!! Which Number do I use??


Which calorie counter do you all tend to follow when working out? What is on here in the database or what is read through your treadmill, elliptical, etc? That is one problem I am running into. I did the step machine at the gym and MFP exercise database says I burn about 290 calories, will the machine at the gym stated 400 calories (a big difference). I am thinking I should follow the machines at the gym considering I put in my weight, fitness program, and level...and not to mention my gym is a sweat box!!!

Your thoughts please!


  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I never follow the machines, they are almost always higher than actual calories burned.

    MFP is sometimes too high, sometimes too low, sometimes just right.

    If I have 2 different measurements like that, I always choose the lower. (Except now I have an HRM, so I always use that.)
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    I have the same problem with the machines and also between MFP and my RunTrainer app. Yesterday MFP said I burned 460 calories running and RunTrainer said 804. With RunTrainer it has my weight, tracks my distance and speed using GPS, so my thought was to go with what it tells me....but I also don't want to be significantly overestimating my calories burned. I'm interested to hear what others say about this!
  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    I have the same problem with the machines and also between MFP and my RunTrainer app. Yesterday MFP said I burned 460 calories running and RunTrainer said 804. With RunTrainer it has my weight, tracks my distance and speed using GPS, so my thought was to go with what it tells me....but I also don't want to be significantly overestimating my calories burned. I'm interested to hear what others say about this!

    I use a HRM to track my cals burned, and use the Runtastic app to track my ditance, time, pace, etc. The estimated cals burned on Runtastic tends to be about 200 calories higher than my HRM, just FYI.

    JW -maybe do an average?
  • TipMcE
    TipMcE Posts: 158
    I use the MFP calories because I'd rather underestimate my calories burned than overestimate. That said I know my elliptical takes into consideration my speed/pace and not just time because even though I work out for the same amount of time the calories vary depending on how hard I "run." Most people will probably suggest you use a heart rate monitor to get a more accurate reading.