Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead



  • JulieTX86
    JulieTX86 Posts: 303
    I watched the documentary over a weekend and started juicing on Tuesday. I have now been juicing for 3 weeks and 4 days. I started with a Jack Lalane juicer that I already owned, it had only been used a few times prior. I recently got a Brevelle Ikon juicer (the same one featured on the website) and it makes a world of a difference. I get way more juice and it is much more powerful, fast and quiet.

    The first few days were rough because I used to drink a lot of coffee and diet Dr. Peppers. Now I feel wonderful! I have so much energy. I feel happier and I have lost 22lbs. I do not stricktly juice though, I eat one salad per day and only eat raw veggies with it and use vinegar instead of any dressing. I usually have tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, lettuce, spinach, and 1/2 an avocado.

    I lost quite a bit the first week now it has slowed to 3-5 lbs per week. I still workout but I try and limit my cardio to 30-45 minutes around 3-5 days per week and I also try to do more weights. Overall it has been a very pleasant experience. I plan on keeping it up until September 16. After the 16th I will probably go vegan.

    DMW I have been toying w/ the Vegan idea after my juice fast is over too!!! Have you watched the film, "Change your food, Change your life"? If not and you are thinking about going vegan than you should definitely watch it. It too is on netflix.

    For everyone who is saying this is "not a way of life" etc. etc. Everyone juicing AGREES this will not be our way of life. If you watch the movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" you will see he does it for 60 days, not exactly an entire lifetime of juicing. Many people on here are doing it anywhere from 1 to 60 days.

    Also, for those that didn't watch the documentary. THIS IS NOT ALL ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT. The gentleman didn't even start out trying to lose weight. He has a skin condition that he was trying to heal from the inside out by pumping his body full of nutritious food. Weight loss happens to be a major benefit --> also leading to a much healther life, decreased risk of heart attack, stroke, etc.

    His weight was not the only thing that went down. His blood pressure was within a healthy range within 60 days, his cholesterol dropped to nearly normal (or possibly even normal, can't exactly remember) within 60 days. Another gentleman on the film with the same skin condition went into remission, didn't have outbreaks of rash for 3+ weeks, something that had never happened for him before.

    I am just saying, this isn't all about a "quick fix" weight loss program, there are many reasons and benefits to trying a program like this. Like many have said before, contact your doctor first. You two can decide what is the best option for you!

    I will now step off my soap box. Thank you! :)
  • sean24seven
    sean24seven Posts: 2 Member
    You are removing the fiber which breaks down the sugars so it can bee very unhealthy, especially if you are on the edge of diabetes.

    What??!! There are plenty of high fiber fruits and vegetables that can be juiced. you still get your fiber, your vitamins, protein and can get plenty of calories by juicing.

    Fiber doesn't actually break down sugars anyway. It's necessary, and soluble fibers break down cholesterol in your veins and arteries. Sugars and cholesterol stick to insoluble fiber and it they don't get absorbed into your bloodstream. You can get it from supplements, by eating whole vegetables, and there is some fiber left in the juice from juicers as long as it isn't a two-stage press.
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    I recently saw this documentary also and was blown away! It was eye-opening about how our "eating triangle" is totally upside down from what it should be. I'm more concerned about my overall nutrition than I am the weight loss aspect of juice fasting. I purchased a juicer and can't wait for it to arrive. I plan to do a 5-10 day fast just to purge everything out of my body and then will probably settle into having juice for breakfast and focusing on better nutrition in the solid foods I eat as well. Had my sons watch it with me, too, and am getting them on board too.

    I'm curious what you think you'll be 'purging' out of your body by just drinking juice?
  • ausdolphin
    I bought a good juicer that was on special for half price and wanted to go on the juice diet after watching the movie.
    I found though that I couldn't afford all the fruit and vegies needed and it affected my sugars. To make 250ml of juice it used way too much and it had too much natural sugars in it. I find it is better to eat the fruit and vegies whole and get all the fibre etc.
    I have lost a bit of weight already by cutting down portions and only having high carb foods like cake and biscuit as a treat instead of all day every day.
    Personal taste and wallet size I imagine.
    Good luck, hope all goes well for you.
  • adnol_2
    adnol_2 Posts: 35 Member
    I did carrot juice for almost a year. I lost nearly 80 lbs. When I went off I gained that back plus.
  • therealjanelle
    I like to juice a medley of vegetables with a single fruit for after my workouts. It can be very high calorie depending upon what you juice.

    If your juicer is anything like mine, there is plenty of fiber in your juice!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Juicing is the only way I can get a lot of vegetables down as I'm not a huge fan. I did a 10 day reboot and it was great for me, so much energy, my skin looked amazing and learned about a few new veggies that I tried that I never knew or liked. If you go to the site it does say to try and do a reboot every quarter, just to kind of reset your body. I haven't done another reboot but I might do one again in the fall. I love it, now i try and incorporate one green juice into my diet a day. My favorite is the green lemonade.
  • jcr5150
    jcr5150 Posts: 2 Member
    Juicing works for me because it is a quick, fast and delicious way of adding vegetables and fruits into my diet, where as before I would maybe have a banana or two every so often. I've seen the movie and tried the fast for about 10 days and after the first few days of "blah", it turned things around for me. I lost 5 lbs and the energy levels were great.

    Juicing will be a good part of my weight loss plan.
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    I am not a fan of long term juice fasting, esp since too much juicing effects my blood sugar in a very bad way. Be careful of must juicers, they take out all of the fiber and make it unusable.

    I do think that juicing for a short period of time or for a meal is great.

    To get all of your fiber and all the nutrients, check out the VItamix blender, it is one of the best tools in my kitchen. Not only does it juice the whole fruit and veggie and you get all of the fiber, but it also makes soup fast ( i am a soup junkie), and I also make my own nut butters.

    ^^^ I've been having smoothies every morning for breakfast using a vitamix and I feel AWESOME. My digestive system is running better and I'm getting wayy more fiber much easier. :)
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    i say do what you like..i watched it, and he felt like that's what he needed to do to get his life in control. if you feel you can do it without juicing then just eat normally. but i don't see why juicing would not be a good addition to any lifestyle
  • dfair1967
    People can't sustain on juicing alone for ever. But it would not be a bad thing to do in moderation. Just like fruit smoothies you have them to supplement your diet not to live on them. Just my two cents.
  • Reneefit135
    I loved watching that it was informative and motivating. I think its a great jump start to weight loss but i am not sure how sustainable it is.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Don;t drink your food. Drinking cals doesn't leave you as satisfied as eating. Just eat quality real food.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    for me dieting is about a sustainable lifestyle change so I can't imagine juice fasting as anything other than a jump start into a diet.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    I think juicing is bull****, but if it works for you then awesome.

    I watched this same documentary, went out and bought myself a Breville juicer (anybody want to buy it? hardly used) and made myself a few juices.

    First, the taste is citric and tastes like grass. The smell is even worse. And then you go out and buy fruit/veggies in bulk just to barely have enough to last you a day? It would be almost impossible to get yourself into a caloric surplus off his diet.

    Anyways, I think he's a genius business man and the people who follow this typical fad diet are just trying to convince themselves that their days suffered, money wasted, and theatrical ordeal they've made of all this hasn't gone in complete vain.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I didn't see the show, but I did recently buy a juicer and I make a drink about 2 times a week. I bought the juicer brand new at a local thrift store that gets all the "left overs" from Walmart. Someone must have bought and returned it and since the packaging was damaged Walmart sent it to the thrift store. $20 juicer! For anyone thinking juicers are too expensive, check out the thrift stores or garage sales. It is a good way for me to get the veggies I hate. Like carrots. I hate carrots. But I like carrot and apple juice. I feel like that way I am getting the vitamin benefit from them. Just make sure to log the calories. They add up.

    See, I just don't understand the point. I love steamed carrots. And I love to slice an apple, sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg and microwave for 3 minutes and eat. Basically, I like to EAT food not drink it.
  • mistesh
    mistesh Posts: 243 Member
    Don;t drink your food. Drinking cals doesn't leave you as satisfied as eating. Just eat quality real food.

    Yes. Few can eat more than five oranges at a time, but a quart of juice holds twenty two of them, and then what do you do? Not easy to sustain it either. As someone said by the end, "He lost the weight. I hope it continues."
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    I had a few friends who swore by juice fasting. Some say it isn't healthy because you aren't getting the necessary fiber from the fruits and veggies. you need that roughage.

    This is very true and largely overlooked aspect of juicing. Another is that although you are getting some micro nutrients from the vitamins in the fruits and vegetables that you juice, you're missing out on vital macro nutrients: Protein (essential amino acids), Fat (essential fats {omega 3,6,9) and good old fiber which keeps your digestive system healthy.

    I'm all for a healthier lifestyle and I understand that if "finally took a try at juicing" to finally get some people's weight problems under control but it's a long term nightmare. Any diet that you can't live with for ever is probably not going to work when you finally get back into "maintenance" mode.
  • meestermario
    If you wanna really detox get a vitamix or blendtec and smoothie yourself to right to the bathroom and enjoy. And if you by chance decide that eating that way isn't sustainable you still have a cool blender to use for your making almond milk or baby food for a neice whatever you need. A juicer just makes juice, boooo.
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    My cousin seems to be into the whole "juicing" thing thanks to this documentary. >.> As a few others have already said, I'd rather eat my calories than drink them, especially when it comes to fruits and veggies.