Another newbie

Hi, I am new here. Joined about a week ago and am finding this site to be so helpful and hopeful.

I have a question about the "friends" setting. Is that just for friends on this site? I don't want to have it posted on fb, The same with the MFP badge. I want to make one and assume that it will be exclusive to this site.

Looking forward to any help.


  • notinvain
    notinvain Posts: 12 Member
    It's just for friends on this site. There is a setting you can choose to automatically post to facebook and twitter, but you have to choose it. I think it's under settings on the website. I have mine set up to post my workouts and my completion of my food journal, but no specifics. Hope this helps.
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    Yes and yes unless you want to post on facebook or twitter. It is helpful if you have questions that you make your diary open to at least your friends. You decide who will see what. Great site....Good luck!
  • ValMcB
    ValMcB Posts: 44
    Okay, good, just as I thought.
    I'd really like it to show up here, so am going to try doing it with this post.

    I am not exactly computer savvy! LOL
  • ValMcB
    ValMcB Posts: 44
    I did it!

    That is my Mom getting to see her first great grandchild, my hubby, our daughter the new mommy, sons and me last month!