First day

HI! I have to say I am loving this application on my phone. I am very excited to get to know you all and support each other in our journey for fitness. I am 40 years old, live in Tucson, AZ. Thanks!


  • Stacyj2424
    I am new too...question... where can I find recipes? All I see is where I can add one... Do you know?
  • btyqwnfrommars
    I don't see a link where recipes are being offered either. Is there suppose to be one?
  • Tracey_Tee
    Tracey_Tee Posts: 128 Member
    Hi to both of you ! I am new to this too ..... I only joined yesterday ! I have the app on my BlackBerry and so far so good !

    Stacy, if you click on the Community tab and scroll down a bit you will see a message board for Recipes. I have only had a quick look but there seems to be quite a few on there !

    Hope you don't mind but I have sent friend requests to you both .... I figure we can all help and support each other :D
  • Stacyj2424
    Thanks Tracey! yes, I see the message board with recipes. I guess it would be easier to see what you are looking for if it was Tab format on most food websites. (like Thanks for the info!