Bad day

So today my body didn't want to work. On my warm up walk, I could feel my chest was tight and breathing wasn't easy. Managed a 10 minute run, walked 3 mins for recovery, then only 90 seconds more of running before I had to stop and walk the rest of the way back (tried to run again after about 2 mins, only managed 60 secs that time).

I added 30DS to my routine on Sunday, and still planned to run MWF. I have been making sure I am still netting around 1400 calories, which is what I was netting before. I'm not sick or anything, although I am down a little emotionally due to a lot of stress at work.

So my question is:
1) Is it just 1 bad day and they happen, and I should try Friday and see how I do?
2) Am I needing more (net) calories now due to both workouts, even though I am still trying to lose weight?
3) Am I trying to do too much? Should I just do my 30DS for August and stall my running at some smaller intervals (i.e. 5min run, 3 min walk x3) until I get through my August 30DS challenge?



  • trappedinfat
    trappedinfat Posts: 43 Member
    Make sure that your paying attention to the quality of the calories that you are eating. I know that yesterday I ate a bunch of nasty, fried stuff and had a can of hash for dinner. YIKES. This morning my body feels sluggish and thick. Listen to your body, it will tell you if your working too hard...and if you think you might be than it never hurts to take a break.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    bad days happen when you really don't want them so i would just roll with it and keep your chin up.

    i'm doing the 30DS and it's a butt kicker i tell you. loving it though!

    running is hard for me since i hate running but i find a way to burn calories and enjoy what i'm doing such as biking, dancing, sex (jk),walking at a fast pace and going to the gym. i find that if i really like an exercise i work harder and feel good about it.

    as for bad just gotta get through it! :) good luck
  • slbeutler
    slbeutler Posts: 205
    Hi, 30 day shred should be fine along with running, since it is only 20 minutes long. I used to train for marathons and I had days, where the runs felt so awful, I wanted to cry and just quit and then the next day, it would be fine. If you continue to have tightening of the chest, you might want to get your blood pressure checked or just ask your doctor in case there is something else going on. sometimes, our bodies just don't do what we want.
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    There will be days when you just can't work as hard. On those days, the challenge is simply showing up (at the gym, for your walk, run, ride, whatever). Count showing up as a victory and move on.

    As you lose weight, improve your eating habits and improve your conditioning with exercise, everything gets easier. Except some days you still feel like 'ugh!'

    Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep. Go to bed earlier than usual tonight.

    This is a long process. It took me 5 or 6 months to lose 40 lbs. One day is nothing in the scheme of things.
  • dogwhisperette
    dogwhisperette Posts: 177 Member
    Hi, Few things in common here:
    I have been running for over 2 months then had to stop due to a sore hip. I started the 30 day shred on Saturday. I plan on starting running this Saturday again on top of it but decided to do the Couch 2 5k program to get me back into it safely. Maybe the 2 combined is a bit much, the 30DS is brutal after all. I don't know about you but I sweat ALOT in those 20 min much like I did when I first started running. Add me as a friend if you want to work thru the programs together.
  • adventuring
    Make sure that your paying attention to the quality of the calories that you are eating. I know that yesterday I ate a bunch of nasty, fried stuff and had a can of hash for dinner. YIKES. This morning my body feels sluggish and thick. Listen to your body, it will tell you if your working too hard...and if you think you might be than it never hurts to take a break.

    Seconded! I know if I eat a crappy meal, my body will feel awful when I exercise, and my asthma will be way worse. Did you eat anything fried? That's what does it for me.

    Edited to add the quote I was seconding.
  • TakeDeuxChick
    I definitely agree with the comment above, what kinds of foods are you fueling your body with? I am an avid runner and there are some days where my body just needs a break or wants more food. Listen to what your body is telling you! If you feel sluggish because you think you need more energy, then fuel your body BUT with healthy options. Also how is your recovery? I don't know if this sounds appealing to you but I always drink a whey protein smoothie post workouts. I think they help my body with recovery A LOT. My go to recipe is a scoop of whey, a cup of unsweetened almond milk, and a cup of mixed berries. Sometimes I also make a shake with whey, almond milk, a banana, and yummy! Getting back on track with your comment though...don't push yourself, that is how injuries occur. Give yourself a break and on Friday is you still don't feel 100%, then start making adjustments nutrition wise!
  • a_freeman
    a_freeman Posts: 116 Member
    If you normally can run longer than I'm guessing your bad day was more emotional than physical. Stress at work may be a contributor. Sometimes as a start a run, it seems like my body is telling me to stop but I find if I run through it eventually I get I feel better. My advice if it happens Friday, keep running until you hit your goal time or distance.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    So today my body didn't want to work. On my warm up walk, I could feel my chest was tight and breathing wasn't easy. Managed a 10 minute run, walked 3 mins for recovery, then only 90 seconds more of running before I had to stop and walk the rest of the way back (tried to run again after about 2 mins, only managed 60 secs that time).

    I added 30DS to my routine on Sunday, and still planned to run MWF. I have been making sure I am still netting around 1400 calories, which is what I was netting before. I'm not sick or anything, although I am down a little emotionally due to a lot of stress at work.

    So my question is:
    1) Is it just 1 bad day and they happen, and I should try Friday and see how I do?
    2) Am I needing more (net) calories now due to both workouts, even though I am still trying to lose weight?
    3) Am I trying to do too much? Should I just do my 30DS for August and stall my running at some smaller intervals (i.e. 5min run, 3 min walk x3) until I get through my August 30DS challenge?


    If you add another type of workout to your routine, there can be a period of adaptation, esp if the workout focuses on certain muscle groups - that can leave you more fatigued in the short run. (or just lead to a "short run", heheheh).

    It is too soon to tell if you need more calories.

    Emotional stress can also take it's toll.

    Your body doesn't always recover in 24 hr cycles--in other words, your pace of adaptation may not always match your workout schedule. The result can be a confluence of factors that result in bad days like you reported. If you work out regularly, these will happen--maybe not often, but certainly routinely.

    At this point I would not overreact--just hang in there.
  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    Okay, I will just chalk it up to one bad day/adapting to doing both workouts (today will be day 4 of 30DS, so still early in it). Also, the sleep thing made sense - I do remember a lot of tossing and turning last night.

    I did just make my diary public now for those who were wondering about my eating habits.