Anyone else get cold ears?

This is probably going to sound strange, but I have noticed (especially during cardio) that my ears have the tendency to get cold which causes kind of a dull pain when I'm working out. I have no idea why and thought I would throw it out there to the community for thoughts and/or speculation. I'm not too terribly concerned because I feel great. It's just such a random "side effect" to working out. haha


  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I'm not trying to be an alarmist here but it might be worth checking out with your doctor. Your extremeties are the first things that become deprived of blood if your heart is struggling for any reason. Now typically that would be your hands and feet but I don't know if maybe your ears could be in that group too. Especially if it gets to the point of being painful you may want to just run it past your doc.