Just beginning...

anneandrews Posts: 6
I am finally hoping to lose the weight I've gained over the past 21 years. Have about 80 pounds to go but I'm hoping My Fitness Pal keeps me motivated and maybe this is just the beginning. I will learn to accept exercise and healthy eating into my life and do away with the horrible habits I have gotten use to.


  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    just take it one day at a time. I had 73ish pounds to lose and began in January 2011. I'm down 48 pounds so far.
  • Mechel79
    Mechel79 Posts: 99 Member
    We can motivate eachother- I had gained after my child and reach 226 :sad: I started on my own and lost 64 lbs but haven't lost any in awhile. I just started MFP to help me be accountable for what I am eating and to have some support.
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    I am so happy that you have made this commitment. You can do it, only you can, but use the tools that others share & collect them all as we've all been there and struggled. I am here for you every step of the way. My Fitness Pal has been a saving grace for me & all the support I get from those who share in the same struggles. I can't wait for out trip together my friend. Nice work!
  • Struggle is exactly what it is - I just love to eat and hate to exercise but the older I get it's harder to lose so gotta do it now - your a very motivating person just don't kick my butt to much ! I need all the motivation I can.
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