
Has anyone had luck with supplements? Like fat burners? How much weight did you lose and in what time frame?


  • Monika135
    I have tried so many burners and supplements over the years, never had any "true" luck with most of them. What I did notice is that I did pay closer attention to my diet and exercise while I was "cycling" through a bottle of burners, you know to get the full effect, burn the most fat type thing...but really it was that "focus" on my exercise and food that helped me to lose a couple of pounds, not the bottle of magic fat burning pills...

    Think about it this way : If there was something in a bottle we could all buy to burn fat....everybody would be on it no matter what the cost and we would all be THIN!!! Now wouldn't that be nice?
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    losing weight through improved nutrition and exercise is the way to go. Many certified trainers (who don't sponsor the supplements) do not think much of supplements. They are not magic pills and, even if you find some success with them, it will come at the cost of screwing up your body in an unnatural manner...which could affect metabolism and other things when you stop the supplement.
  • quikpetite
    LOL!! Duh to me right!! I jyst miss being myself, I need to be patient.
  • uvagirl24
    patience is what will win in the long run. Everyone wants to lose weight fast but slowly is the best way, because it means keeping the weight off will be much easier to maintain. I'd say skip the supplements.
  • akell26
    akell26 Posts: 12
    I'm glad to hear some responses to this question. I'm just starting my new regime today, and I picked up some green tea pills. I figured I would get the same benefits that green tea provides without actually having to drink green tea, since I don't like it much. Does anyone give a thumbs up to green tea supplements?