Do low carb fanatics drive you crazy?



  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I do a low carb diet. Or thats just what I call it. I stay away from "white" stuff. with the exception to a tortilla or bagle every day. The low carb name, IMO, has a bad rap because people think you mean NO carb. I eat about 75 carbs a day but I get that from fruits and veggies and whole wheat bread. I do Not think eating only meat is healthy.
  • lavarockkid
    I think it is going to be easier to keep the weight off by not severely changing your diet. I eat carbs, less than I used to because of the high calories. But I would never cut them out, I love breads and pasta.

    One thing my doctor said is that you are going to get your calories from either protein or carbs, and protien will make you fill full longer.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    There are different low carb diets. Everyone is different when it comes to their diet. I don't see why it would bother anyone that someone is not eating the way that they eat. Just makes no sense. We are all individuals and have to choose the journey that is best for each of us.


    Think about it. Your metabolism, and how efficiently it processes different types of calories, can be affected by your age, gender, genetics, activity level, childhood illnesses, the altitude where you live, how much sleep you get, and what phase of your reproductive cycle you're on (yes, men too). So do you really think there's ANY one-size-fits-all plan that will work for everyone? Impossible! Everyone has to learn what is best for them, individually.

    I am very happy for all of the people who *have* found what works for them. And I know that their pushiness about their solution stems from a genuine desire to help others. But it often turns into intolerance for other, equally valid philosophies. (And this applies to religion as well as weight loss).

    Personally, I am on an extremely low-carb diet, on my doctor's orders due to hyperinsulinemia. 5% carbs, 30% fat, 65% protein. And it is the best thing that has ever happened to me: it's let me lose weight for the first time in my life, as well as curing my mood swings and depression. But I would never suggest that for someone else without a doctor's examination. And I get very tired of people who try to tell me that it's unsustainable or dangerous; my doctor introduced me to several people who have managed their condition using a diet like this for over a decade. Do people really think I would do this without doing the research first & making sure it was safe? Give me *some* credit for having half a brain...

    So I would encourage *everyone* to experiment with their nutrient ratios, and find out what works best for you. And whether you eat 80% carbs or 5% carbs, don't be rude to people who have chosen differently.
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    If counting calories works for you, that's wonderful. It doesn't for me. I eat meat, cheese, butter, veggies, and a small amount of low carb fruit. I don't count calories and I don't eat sugar or starchy foods. And it works well for me. My cholesterol has gone from horrible to healthy, my energy is higher, and I no longer crave sweets. But if a diet works for you, that's the way to go.
  • SugarBaby1987
    SugarBaby1987 Posts: 62 Member
    If counting calories works for you, that's wonderful. It doesn't for me. I eat meat, cheese, butter, veggies, and a small amount of low carb fruit. I don't count calories and I don't eat sugar or starchy foods. And it works well for me. My cholesterol has gone from horrible to healthy, my energy is higher, and I no longer crave sweets. But if a diet works for you, that's the way to go.

    Exactly. Why is it that almost everyday on this site people call out low carbers by starting some type of topic like this? FYI low carb diets aren't about eating all of the meat, cheese, and butter that you want. I eat low carb, and I only eat between 4-6 ounces of meat, fish, or poultry at lunch time & dinner, & along with those two meals I eat loads of veggies. I also eat fruit. Most low carb diets allow you to eat fruit so I have no clue where the idea that they don't comes from. I don't try to push my beliefs on others b/c if eating higher carb & counting calories works for you then that's great. You do what works for you, and be happy with it.
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    im a low carb/lowfat Pescatarian i do not eat butter and stuff. Low carb is different for everyone. By the way everyone thinks i smell as sweet as a cupcake no pun intended. :laugh:
  • change_happens
    I think the only time you should remove real foods from your eating plan is when you are alergic to them or it affects your health.

    AMEN to what she said!

    There are plenty of reasons to remove particulars from your diet and that doesn't always mean that someone is allergic to a particular food.

    Diabetics... what about them?
    People who have a history of heart disease... what about them?

    Low carb is not about eliminating foods from your diet. It is about making healthier choices regarding the carb intake, not the elimination of a food group.
  • zakkthebear
    zakkthebear Posts: 52 Member
    I try to not eat much of *anything* that is processed. By default, that gets rid of a lot of carbs. As others have said, I make my carbs count.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm not a low carb kinda guy but my motto is "if it works for you, use it"
    Same here. I wouldn't consider myself a fanatic except with myself. I never tell people it's the perfect diet. In fact, I tell people who consider trying it to really pay attention to how they feel those first couple of weeks. If they're not feeling better with more energy, then it's not the right diet for them. It is, however, the right diet for me. I simply don't process carbs well.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    They should call it the low starch diet....or the starch-free diet.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    In fact...what bothers me more than anything are fanatics, in general. Low carbers aren't the only ones who have some fanatics. Every type of diet has one.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    If it changed your breath, you were doing it far too extreme and probably in ketosis. This is not something you can sustain long term now would it be healthy. (in my healthy)

    When I say "low carb" -- I still get 60-100g of carbs a day, but I DON'T get them from the crap that made me fat in the first place. Donuts, deep fried anything, waffles, pancakes, white bread, cake, cupcakes, cookies, potato chips, frieds... you get the points.

    Most of my carbs now are "good" carbs.... fruits/veggies, greek yogurt, quinoa, whole grains etc....

    It is still a low glycemic/low carb lifestyle. You don't have to go overboard --- just watch where your carbs and sugar come from.

    ditto. I eat up to 100 grams of carbs a day and I never eat butter if there is a lower calorie choice, I also eat cheese rarely. I love a baked potato but I eat onion rings instead of fries the rare times I eat any of that. I don't eat cake, cookies, donuts white bread, etc. unless it's a treat.

    I also don't do low carb by choice, I have an insulin resistance issue with refined/sugary carbs, they make me hungry and they make me want more of them so for me, in order to count my calories with any success, I have to limit my carbs. If you felt awful limiting than it's not for you and I have learned that you have to find what works for you.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Not all people who are low carbers drive me crazy, just the insane ones...

    Like the one that I had to defriend a couple of months ago because he flat out told me that I would never reach my goals if I didn't stop eating pasta, brown rice, and couscous not to mention potatoes and sweet potatoes. But if you look at my diary, I only have those things a couple of times a week. I ignored those comments, but this goober continued on and told me that the reason that I get sick is because I eat carbs. He said carbs cause more cancers than animal fat. Hmmm...

    For me, I don't care what anyone else wants to do (unless it is a fad diet or something dangerous like HcG). If it works and you can sustain it, go for it! Just don't push your diet righteousness on me when I never asked for advice. I seem to get this mostly from the ones who think eating animals is a bad moral choice and the freaky low carbers described above. On the most part, though, it just doesn't happen like that. I mean, 1-2 people out of 1000 telling me some weirdness about my diet isn't too bad, lol.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Oh, and I guess some would even dare to say that I eat "low carb" because of my cycling. For 3 days, I try to limit myself to about 125 grams of carbs per day coming from fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc. Every 4th day I eat as much as 50% of my calories from carbs and I even eat more calories total on those days. It basically tricks my own system so it never thinks that I am in fact starting a ketogenic lifestyle. I did do a true low carb diet at one point, but after about a month on it, I didn't have any energy to push through my workouts and I just felt like poo. To each their own. :flowerforyou:
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    Just like there is no one way to exercise in order to get fit, there is no one way to eat in order to be healthy. I am of the mind that if it works for you, go for it.

    I dislike fanatics as well but I also dislike ignorance and misinformation, and there is typically plenty of both on display whenever the topic of low carb comes up. For example the original poster implied that low carbers don't eat fruits or vegetables--that is ignorance. Someone else stated that ketosis is bad--that is misinformation.
  • Jojobeth
    Jojobeth Posts: 19
    I have been doing low carb for the past week and that is the only way I can lose weight(I have done it before and it worked great for me)! I have tried calorie counting and didnt lose hardly anything! Also I watch the fat I take in...I eat tons of fruits and veggies in fact that is most of my diet and where I get the carbs I do eat! I pretty much dont eat breads, pasta, potatoes, ect. I love it! I have tons of energy and have already lost 3 pounds! I totally think it depends on what works for you for sure! I think its what your body can take too! I have much more energy on this then I did counting calories! The only thing is that I think this is going to have be lifestyle change for me because once you start eating all those carbs again you will gain it all back! But I am ok with it because it is really easy for me to eat like this!
  • naisey
    naisey Posts: 6 Member
    I have NO problem with people who want to follow low carb diets. As I said...IT"S WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. I just find that people make out I'm a nut because I'm not doing low carb. I eat a really healthy diet but low carb did not work for me. SO what if I eat pasta and rice? I've lost 100lbs!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    In fact...what bothers me more than anything are fanatics, in general. Low carbers aren't the only ones who have some fanatics. Every type of diet has one.

    Exactly! If you don't like the way someone else eats, leave them to it, it isn't hurting you.

    I eat all things in moderation. Lots of people don't agree with that idea but it fits with my lifestyle and is sustainable for me. I don't mind if someone else eats a different way, though I might share my opinion if they ask for it (boiled egg diet anyone?).
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I eat low carb when I am focussing on losing weight (like now!) This doesn't mean that I don't eat vegetables (I eat plenty of salads, green beans, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms etc), but I do try to avoid pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, cereals and so on. I do count my calories as well, and I also don't eat a lot of fat. I just find it much easier to lose weight eating this way, and I don't suffer any ill-effects from it. Once I reach my goal weight (or as I get closer) I intend to re-introduce foods into my diet gradually and in moderation. There is no way I'm going the rest of my like without couscous, bread, potatoes or pasta!

    This works for me, personally. I would never try to tell someone that it's the only way, or even the best way. I just feel, from experience, that it's the best way for ME.
  • Erin_26
    Erin_26 Posts: 97 Member
    I should add, if you still have a ways to go to your goal weight ... as you get closer to your goal weight or what your weight should be, you may find it harder to lose weight and may need to re-look at bread/pasta/rice consumption.

    I was able to lose weight while eating carbs when I had 30 to lose. Now that I have 15-20 to lose, my loss grinds to a halt if I eat carbs. Sad, but true, at least for me.