Something going around?

It seems like there were a lot of threads today about people hitting the wall, going over cals, generally feeling like they've fallen down on the job, weight management wise. I am sorry to say, this is another!

I'm starting to wonder if there's some sort of "miss today's goals" virus going around! :laugh:

I knew I wasn't going to be able to exercise today for various reasons, and so I tried to plan carefully. Unfortunately, I was sooooo hungry! I never realized how much I am counting on exercise cals to curb my hunger. Not only did I go over, but I got so hungry waiting for dinner to get ready that I ate half a flour tortilla with cheese, a slice of bread dipped in the beef broth that was cooking, and various other bits and pieces that put me 700 cals over!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! :sad:

So add me to the list...I'm feeling down today too.

The good news is that I refuse to let it carry over into tomorrow. I am going to remember this "blarg, I'm so bloated and full" feeling that I have right now, and make it motivate me tomorrow!!!


  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    It seems like there were a lot of threads today about people hitting the wall, going over cals, generally feeling like they've fallen down on the job, weight management wise. I am sorry to say, this is another!

    I'm starting to wonder if there's some sort of "miss today's goals" virus going around! :laugh:

    I knew I wasn't going to be able to exercise today for various reasons, and so I tried to plan carefully. Unfortunately, I was sooooo hungry! I never realized how much I am counting on exercise cals to curb my hunger. Not only did I go over, but I got so hungry waiting for dinner to get ready that I ate half a flour tortilla with cheese, a slice of bread dipped in the beef broth that was cooking, and various other bits and pieces that put me 700 cals over!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! :sad:

    So add me to the list...I'm feeling down today too.

    The good news is that I refuse to let it carry over into tomorrow. I am going to remember this "blarg, I'm so bloated and full" feeling that I have right now, and make it motivate me tomorrow!!!
  • ranaelynn
    ranaelynn Posts: 115 Member

    The good news is that I refuse to let it carry over into tomorrow. I am going to remember this "blarg, I'm so bloated and full" feeling that I have right now, and make it motivate me tomorrow!!!

    THATS IT -Focus on what you CAN change - tomorrow can be different - today is done.
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    If so, I think I got it too, but my body refused to allow the extra calories in...I have some medical problems and one of them is difficulty swallowing. After dinner, I started coughing so hard I "lost" half of what I had eaten :sick: ever supportive husband asked me how I was going to log that! :grumble: Unfortunately, I WAS over my calories so I started contemplating changing my dinner portion size. After all, I only got to keep 1/2 of it in my stomach. I logged the 30 minutes that it took me to scrub my bathroom as exercise and now (on paper) I didn't overeat today at all! :laugh:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I think it's natural around this time of year for people to get down and depressed. In fact, I think there's some psychological term for what many simply call "holiday blues."

    Besides, for us trying to get healthy, facing T-Day isn't fun! Everyone else will be stuffing their faces while we're trying to maintain our eating habits.
  • stephiepoo
    I also went over my daily goal more than twice :cry: but today is a new day and I am determined to not go past. I haven't done it yet since I joined. :frown: