help me please before I reach for the take away menu

aquabunny101 Posts: 15
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone,

I have just joined today... I'm trying desperately to change the habit of a life time but I am very close to giving up already... basically I desperately want to lose weight... I'm 152lbs, 5'5 in height and a UK size 12.

I have joined a meal delivered to your door diet 6 days ago which is a low carb, calorie controlled diet at 850 cals a day. Now, I have been adding 2 pieces of fruit and some veg a day so rounded up I'm eating about 1000 cals a day, down from about 2500 cals. I have started exercising, running for 40/60 mins although due to my lack of fitness it is a bit stop and start but I'm always pouring with sweat during it so I know I'm working hard. I have also been walking about 5 miles at a brisk pace.

My BMR is 1409 cals.... now I'm eating less than that already and have been exersicing so my total daily cals is 472 so why have I not shifted even 1lb in 6 days? Other people on this diet are losing 2-3lbs a week and I have no loss at all. Please help as I'm trying everything I can but feel like I'm falling at the first hurdle? Are there just some people who can't lose weight in this world?



  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Probably because your body is storing what you're giving it.. not burning it off. Seems like you're not eating enough. 1000 cals a day WITH fitness doesn't seem nearly enough.

    For an idea, you can look at my food diary for today, or Monday as well - I should probably add a few calories tonight as well.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    The problem seems to me that you are eating 1000 calories with a high activity level. Eat more.
  • MHackrott
    MHackrott Posts: 84 Member
    To little is just as bad as to much it will put your body into starvation should aim for 1200-1500 calories depending on how much you are working out each day. And be patient you didnt gain it all over night you wont loose it all over night. Set small realistic goals and reward yourself for shoes/clothes, a cheat meal each week you do good and stay on track things like that.
  • kaswain
    kaswain Posts: 80 Member
    I would say bump up your calories to 1200 a day, you can do this by adding in many more fruit and vegetables. Also always eat back your exercise calories to 1200 so your metabolism is always burning and the weight should start coming off! Good luck!
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    Your intake is too low. Your body has to have fuel, if you don't eat what it needs you'll go into starvation mode and it's very difficult to lose. Try upping your calorie intake to at least 1200 a day and see if you notice a difference.
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    I'm just wondering what the hell kind of diet that delivers food to your door says its okay to eat less than 1,000 calories a day. You must have picked that number, not the diet company... you should have AT LEAST 1,200 calories a day (more if you exercise).... otherwise you will face many dissapointments with your weight loss.
  • Agreed! You are eating way to little for the amount of activity you are doing. You need to feed your body, not starve it. I definitely agree to shoot for 1200-1500 calories a day. Hope this helps!

  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    Don't lose motivation, I would agree with the posters above you are not getting enough calories to allow for the exercise you are doing. I lost 13lb in the first 7 weeks on MFP then took 4 weeks to lose1lb and am now on my third week of staying the same, we didn't put our weight on overnight so we won't lose it that way, this is a life changing decision and our bodies give us subtle messages to help. Good Luck :happy:
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    We are the same height and almost the same weight(148). Feel free to add me as a friend...We can do this!!

    I think you may not be eating enough. Are you eating your exercise calories? If not, your body is going into starvation mode and holding on. Don't give up! I haven't lost any but I didn't gain on my last weigh-in. Most of the time the scale isn't our friend. I decided I'm mostly going to go by measurements and my clothes. I've also added strength training this week.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    no offense, but your situation is a little funny. Maybe you should cancel your meal delivery membership, which I'm sure is actually very expensive for 850 calories a day. Instead go grocery shopping yourself, preferably after you eat a meal, and load up on ingredients that you can then use to cook delicious and nutritious meals yourself. Make a rule for yourself that anything that goes in your cart has to be scrutinized, every nutrient should be checked and noted. Try staying on the outer perimeter of the store (produce section, dairy, butcher and fish sections). The only things already made that should be in your cart are bread and healthy cereals. If you need snacks, try going for LIGHT POPCORN, SKINNY COW ICE CREAM, and VITATOPS, to keep your cravings at bay.

    Now, if you really can't or don't like to cook, the other option is sticking with your delivered meals, but adding in a greek yogurt every day and 3-5 servings of produce. you can also add a glass of low fat or non fat milk to your diet as well. If you are working out, you should be eating at least 1200 calories a day no matter what.
  • Thanks for all the encouragement guys! It's nice to know that there is all this support available to me... I will listen to your advice and cancel my membership to the diet company at the end of this months subscription.

    I checked and it definitely is 850cals... I didn't just pick it out of thin air as has been suggested haha, So in the mean time I will add more cals to my day to make 1200 from healthy snacks and try to keep motivated!


    Thanks Again
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Wait a minute, you've been dieting only 6 days? First off you don't go into starvation mode in 6 days people, come on. Second off it can take a couple of weeks for the weight to start to move regardless of how perfectly or badly you diet. But I do think these delivered to the door things are a bunch of c*** and since you're so close to a normal BMI why do you feel you need them? You obviously don't completely lack self-control because you have a pretty good weight for your height so can't you just cook for yourself so you can make satisfying meals rather than have some expensive meal plan which then you don't even stick to?
  • bluesunset26
    bluesunset26 Posts: 1 Member
    Your exercise routine sounds great. In the beginning it is suggested that you walk/run for the first 3 months before you can do a straight run of 3 miles without walking. This is good for calorie burning as well, its known as interval training. To keep you focused on your workouts and not burnout overtime, try signing up for a race, such as a 5k. This will give you the motivation to keep training.

    As far as what you are eating, your body is going into "starvation mode". You should NEVER eat less than 1050 calories a day. If you are burning 500 calories in exercise, this means you need to eat at least 1550 calories that day. Its also a great idea to do "Calorie Cycling" aka "Calorie Zig-Zagging". This allows your body to always keep guessing what it needs to burn (increases metabolism) and avoids the plateau. Too few calories and you are burning away muscle, not fat.

    Never underestimate the power of lean protein! Your muscles need it. Carbs give you the energy you need to workout and last through the day. Too few carbs and you will be tired and lethargic. Fats are also important, but only if they are healthy fats (avocados, olive oil). By eating healthy fats you are "lubricating" your insides. This will help to avoid digestive problems such as bloating and constipation. Without healthy fats your body may not be expelling all of its waste and not be losing weight...and you will feel fat.

    Don't depend just on the scale, but keep your measurements as well. You may not be losing any weight, but you may be losing inches. Limit yourself to only getting on the scale once a week, at the same time, wearing the same thing.

    Remember you want to make a life change, not just another yo-yo diet routine. This will take time and effort, but in the end this is all going to be worth it when you look in the mirror and see a healthier fitter you, you have more energy and you have a higher self-esteem. You just need to make sure you do it the right way. Hope that helps! Don't give up!
  • jjewelty
    jjewelty Posts: 23 Member
    And most importantly, don't give up! You KNOW you're doing something good for you, even though the scale is proving it....YET!
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