Hello everyone

Hi my name is Charles and I have been on this for 2 days so far...My goal is to lose around 60lbs. How is everyone else doing so far?


  • jeninne
    jeninne Posts: 412 Member
    Hey Charles- glad you're here. Been at this for several months and really enjoying the journey...you will find this place to be very supportive and encouraging. Feel free to add me if you'd like a "friend"
  • HowardRose
    HowardRose Posts: 138 Member
    Hi Charles. I started in January with a similar goal. I'm almost there. This place works.. Welcome and enjoy. Feel free to friend me.
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    hi charles been on here since june and have lost 7 pounds so far great site for support and motivation feel free to add me as a friend if you like