changing calorie allotment

My set up has me at 1200 calories a day. based on information i read i should really be eating 1330. How do i change my calorie allotment or is that possible? Thanks Im new to this site, gone to settings but all it does is ask me those questions again


  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    Go to your goals page.... click "change goals".... then click the circle that says "manually set custom goals" and on the next page you can set your calories to what you want. .

    Hope that helps!
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    it sets at 1200 i think and i dont think you can change that but if you log your excercise it adds to your daily allowance and this will increase your daily intake allowance this also makes you aim for a more healthy lifestyle its a great site enjoy you can add me as a friend by going to my profile if you like
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    thanks didnt know about that one
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I didn't know either until I read a post about the whole 1200 calories issues..... so I changed mine too. :-)
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    Go to your goals page.... click "change goals".... then click the circle that says "manually set custom goals" and on the next page you can set your calories to what you want. .

    Hope that helps!

    I think you can change mostly anything in your goals. I was set at 1200 when I first started, went up to 1300 and doing a lot better. I also eat most of my exercise calories, too. Try to leave a few for "fudge room" - no, not the food lol!!
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    it does say this is not recommended so i dont think i will use it but thanks for pointing it out
  • amandarada
    amandarada Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks so much! Ive made the update.....another question so you guys eat the calories you earn back by exercise? I would assume (nasty word) that that would be counter productive. You exersice to burn calories to lose weight if you eat those calories back its like you never exercised. Just my thoughts feed back would be great though. Im from the old weight watchers members fed up with the new system that doesnt work so calories and only calories is new to me....Im used to points
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Thanks so much! Ive made the update.....another question so you guys eat the calories you earn back by exercise? I would assume (nasty word) that that would be counter productive. You exersice to burn calories to lose weight if you eat those calories back its like you never exercised. Just my thoughts feed back would be great though. Im from the old weight watchers members fed up with the new system that doesnt work so calories and only calories is new to me....Im used to points

    It is a different mindset in more than the points vs calories. The thing you have to remember is that MFP has already built in your calorie deficit, so when you eat your exercise calories back, you are still on track with the deficit. The point of exercising is to build muscle, to condition your cardiovascular system and move toward better health. The calorie deficit is there even if you don't exercise.
  • amandarada
    amandarada Posts: 8 Member

    It is a different mindset in more than the points vs calories. The thing you have to remember is that MFP has already built in your calorie deficit, so when you eat your exercise calories back, you are still on track with the deficit. The point of exercising is to build muscle, to condition your cardiovascular system and move toward better health. The calorie deficit is there even if you don't exercise.

    Thanks i found a great tread while searching around that really broke it down.