athlete on a comeback

hello everyone! My girlfriend of over 3 years has been doing this and begged me to do it for a while now and just haven't felt up to it up until a week ago. I saw a picture of me and didn't know what to think or say it was so bad. I am 21 years old. In highschool I was 3 sport athlete; wrestling, baseball, and football. I was always bigger but was in shape. Now not so much and it hurts knowing that. Enough sulking and time to get back to my athletic ways. I still have the athlete mindset to help me out. If there are any others like me friend me and let me know how your doing.


  • raeofsunshine145
    raeofsunshine145 Posts: 2 Member
    i am in a similar predicament. i was training for triathlon competitions when i was involved in a car wreck. i have lost my athletic body i was once so proud of and have gained almost 40lbs!!!! I still very much have the athletic mindset and hope my mindset will pull me through. more than anything, support is key for me at this point!

    i do wish you luck. there are a ton of us who understand what its like to see a picture of a body you don't recognize or like. through support and hard work.. lets earn 'em back!!!