Howdy from Texas

I am 62 years old and was diagnosed with diabetes 3 months ago. My brother died from diabetes complications at the age of 59. The reason was because he didn't take care of his health. I am not going to do that. So I began dieting and exercising right away. I dropped from 180 lbs to 158 over the last 3 months and my blood glucose levels are now under control without medication. I want to drop to 150 lbs. My BMI is 25 right now but I still detect fat on my upper body. I want to have the same body type I had before I got married. Har har har!

Anyway HI! I'm here. :)


  • KetoLovingMama
    KetoLovingMama Posts: 69 Member
    Howdy back to you from HoustonTx! :) Good Luck with your weight loss.
  • IroncladBRX
    IroncladBRX Posts: 12 Member
    Keep working at it bro! You can ditch those last 8lbs in 4-6 weeks no problem if you just stay consistent with the goals you set on this site.