Losing weight without losing muscle?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    I did the following over the past two months to lose about 10lbs of fat with little to no muscle loss:
    -(50/40/10) (protein/fat/carbs) split for my diet
    -lifting heavy as often as possible
    -fasted low intensity cardio (wake up, drink coffee, step on the treadmill for 30-45 at about 60% of "max heart rate", I kept it about 120 bpm, start sipping on a protein + water mix after the first 10-15 min have gone by)
    -About 95% of the daily carbs where consumed in two equal servings, one half way through my workout and 1 right after. Taking in my a break in the middle of my workout to take in some carbs and protein seems to have help.
    -High intensity cardio 2-3 a week (mostly sprinting on the field. short warmup + 5-7 sprints total). Kept these sessions fairly short so they wouldn't mess with my recovery or cause muscle loss.
    -Little to no carbs the rest of the day
    -Meals were mostly lean meats + fats
    -Because of all the exercise I was doing, I was able to keep my calories still fairly high (around 4000) and still lose fat fairly quickly. In the past I would restrict calories to very low, but that never really worked out
    Sounds like a solid plan. I pretty much do the same, although, my split is 40/30/30 because I'm not really cutting up. I'm a believer of Tabata protocol and short HIIT workouts.