The visit 2 the DOC'S

Have u ever been to the doctors and just regreted et..... I'm not over weight but soon em getting there.. A few days ago i went 2 the doctors because i had constant stomach pain.. got sum blood tests and ultra sounds done 2 see wat was going on in my body... So after a long horrific week i got all my results and the docs wanted 2 see m. I went and he told me that its not good news but it can be cured easily, asked him wat it was nd he sed PCOS. My reaction " HUH????" dodnt noe wat it was, so he explained and sed the only way out is weight lose, loooose the weight and u'll be fine.

The only options he gave me was
1) weight
3) weight

So i'm stuck i don't noe how 2 loose about 10kgs??

I mean do doctors noe how hard it is 2 noe u have a sickness that can only be cured by weight loss?
Let them try loosing so much weight @ once... And i noe their just trying 2 help, but give us more options.

For all the women out there please be careful as weight can easily damage u.. PCOS is polocystic ovarian syndrome. This can stop u from producing and we all noe that its not sumthin we wish 2 get...



  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    You've come to the right place! Log everything that goes in your mouth - set your goal to lose 1-2lbs per week (this is about 1/2 to 1 kilo) and you'll see results soon. The faster you lose it the harder it will be to keep off.
  • I have been battling PCOS for a few years now and was just diagnosed this past Feb/March. You actually have to do more than lose weight. My pal shared a paper from her nutritionist and if you would like I can message it to you as well! Feel free to add me and there are several of my lady pals on here that are battling PCOS as well.
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166
    Good luck! This site is so helpful, you will make great friends. I thought I had PCOS in 2009. I know how frightening it can be. Stay positive!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    There is definitely more to PCOS than weight. I would seek out a nutritionist and also another doctor who specializes in that kind of thing--- usually an OB/GYN is more equipped to treat that kind of disorder. Good luck!
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    Sorry to read about that. That must have been tough to hear. I also was told to lose weight (at least 30 lbs) by my doc, but that was for a very different type of reason (snoring). Did the doc give you any info on how to lose the weight? Or how the disorder, itself, could be the cause, and not the symptom of weight gain? I guess either way, losing weight wouldn't hurt. And you'll have a lot of support here on MFP. It's a great place to start. This a great place to ask questions on how to get started and to ask for the support you need to stay on track. Try to enjoy this journey and keep the chin up!
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    I too have PCOS. It is frightening, that's true. But the better thing is that you had a diagnosis. And yes, we Cysters, work harder than a normal person because our metabolism is slower and most of us are insulin resistant. We need to watch what we eat and not moving/exercising is not an option. That's just the way it is.

    However, you have come to the right place and you are not alone. The more you know about PCOS the more you become empowered and the less frightening PCOS will be to you.

    Hang in here.
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    double post.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I've been having similar probs. I suspect endometriosis cause by scar tissue failing in my uterus (2 c-sections and tubal so no more for me anyway). But the doctor won't confirm my suspicions until I let him do some exploratory surgery. Of course, I've suspected for years but it wasn't until I changed my eating and exercise habits that the pain really began to disrupt my daily activities. Fortunately, it's not a constant. I only have real problems for 7 to 10 days out of the month. So when things are good, I work my butt off. And when things are bad, I keeep my butt in bed. Just have to listen to your body and do what works. Another one of my MFP friends had both endo and PCOS. She recommended doing yoga. I tried it for a couple of weeks and it really seemed to help. I've been able to work out a lot lately without incidence. Maybe you could try that for your pain and then ease into more strenuous activity as you begin to feel better.

    If your doctor advised you to lose weight quickly, then obviously he feels that it is safe for you to do so. I've been losing 2-6 pounds a week for months now. The myth that it is harder to lose weight fast and keep it off is based on the assumption that you will eventually return to your old habits. If you make a healthy diet and regular exercise part of your lifestyle, then you don't have to worry about ever putting the weight on. You can ask for tips and advice from others, but ultimately, no one knows your body better than you and you have to do what works. Just be sure to listen to your body and be careful not to force yourself to do more than you believe your body can handle. Best of luck! Please feel free to add me if you like. So little is known about female medical issues that it helps to learn from others experiences.
  • Halld9
    Halld9 Posts: 6 Member
    I have PCOS. There are several things that help with it. Weight is key. To manage weight exercise, eating right (more protein than carbs) and some medications are the way to go. I had surgery in March for it and endometrIosis, feel a hundred and ten percent better. For years I had excused the constant pain to PCOS. Looking back it was the endometriosis. It was everywhere, colon, bladder and had displaced an ovary. In addition, a very large cycst was removed. I feel like myself for the first time in years. I said all this as a caution don't do like I did and excuse every issue to PCOS. It is easy to do I suffered for years because I didn't talk to my doctor about what was going on with my body.
    JUDGEDBY1 Posts: 115
    Thank you ladies!! u guys have been great help and hav given me courage.
    I can do this!! and better yet I WILL DO THIS!!!