lost 4lbs in 5 weeks, gained it back in 1 week

Hi Everyone. I'd like a little advice. I currently weigh 164 and would like to get down to 150. I started my fitness pal 6 weeks ago, and was told to eat 1200 calories a day. I followed the 1200 calorie a day plan, added in a 30 minute run 3 times a week (and ate about 200 extra calories on those days), for 5 weeks. I lost 4 pounds, which isn't terrible.... Then last week, I was on vacation. I didn't exercise, and ate more than usual, but not more than 2000 calories a day. I stepped on the scale this morning and was back up at 164. Could someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong here? How could I gain 4 pounds in a week after all that hard work?


  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    maybe sodium? water weight? get back on track and everything will be fine!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Similar thing happened to me, but it I dropped half of it in 2 days when I got back into my routine. A lot of it could be bloat from too many carbs.

  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Don't stress. That extra weigh is waste and water from eating more sodium than your body had gotten used to. Just carry on with your fitness plan as normal now that you're back and it will disappear.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    You ate more then usual during your vacation and I'm assuming you estimate that you didn't went over 2000 calories.

    Be careful with estimating calorie intake as we have a tendency to under estimate sometimes by as much as 50%.

    Another thing to consider is that weight fluctuates a lot, I can vary for instance from one day to the next over 2lbs without any change to my diet or exercise and this is up or down, so just go back to your routine and restart eating healthy and exercising a little vacation on the lifestyle isn't that bad either.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi Everyone. I'd like a little advice. I currently weigh 164 and would like to get down to 150. I started my fitness pal 6 weeks ago, and was told to eat 1200 calories a day. I followed the 1200 calorie a day plan, added in a 30 minute run 3 times a week (and ate about 200 extra calories on those days), for 5 weeks. I lost 4 pounds, which isn't terrible.... Then last week, I was on vacation. I didn't exercise, and ate more than usual, but not more than 2000 calories a day. I stepped on the scale this morning and was back up at 164. Could someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong here? How could I gain 4 pounds in a week after all that hard work?

    Hang in there! Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/bjohs/view/small-weight-gain-don-t-panic-127354
  • updowngirl
    updowngirl Posts: 31 Member
    Sodium is a huge culprit. Pre-pkaged and restaraunt foods are PACKED with salt. Check your nutrition reports for sodium and carbs for your vacation days and I'll bet they are high. Impossible to eat out without issues for the most part. I just packed on 5 LBs myself last week while away--back to normal after 3 days on schedule and lots of extra water. I noticed puffiness in my hands and feet too.
  • That happens to me every time I go on vacation. Don't worry, it'll be back down within a week most likely.
  • cmbean2002
    cmbean2002 Posts: 2 Member
    Do not get discouraged. As all have stated above, you are simply retaining water weight. Please also remember that muscle weighs more than fat and you stated you are exercising too. If the weight does not melt away it could be that your muscles are getting some definition at the same time you are shedding fat. Replacing fat with nice tone muscles will be a wonderful change for you to see in the mirror. Keep your head up and stay with it.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Happened to me too!! Went for vacation in Disney with the family. Worked out in the morning, walked all day but ate at some really fantastic restaurants and fast food establishments. When I got home I gained 8 (YES 8) pounds. I was like hell what just happened... but within 4 days I was back down to having gained only two pounds. I think your system takes time to adjust to the richer foods, different routine, and water. I was always told your system takes three to four days to adjust to traveling. Water gain coupled with slower digestion all add up to increased body weight.

    I know your concern but give it a few days and your body will adjust back. But expect to have gained one or two pounds from the trip...it's normal.
  • SWgal
    SWgal Posts: 62
    Same thing happened to me this summer...

    BUT...within one week of getting back on track, eating healthy scheduled small meals and exercising daily things have gone right back!

    Try not to get to discouraged. You were able to work hard for five weeks, you can get back there!
  • elli0702
    elli0702 Posts: 16
    Thanks everyone. I'm going to try to not be discouraged and get back in there. Thanks for the support and advice!
  • namrettik
    namrettik Posts: 127
    I got back from a month-long vacation and gained 7 lbs and half an inch on my waist. I lost it all in a week. I lost an additional half inch around my waist a week later.

    It's water weight and sodium. A few days back on your normal diet/workout schedule will get you right back in no time.