confession and depression

So I know that I have not been on here too long and I can't expect to see drastic results in a matter of a few short weeks, but today I was stunned by realality.

I purchased my wedding dress shortly after Bill proposed to me. My thought process was that if I baught it then we wouldn't have to worry about the cost when the wedding came closer. I was never one to really flucuate more than a few pounds, 10 at the most. Well the wedding was pushed back further due to finaces and jobs. Now that we are doing better financially and we are looking forward to moving out of state the wedding has been moved up. I knew I would have to lose some weight. When I origanaly tried the dress on the stomach area was tight, this is the area that I knew I needed to slim some in order to fit nicely into the beautiful gown. So we went ahead and talked with the pastor at his church, send out save the date cards, ordered invitations, booked the DJ, caterer, and photograher. There is no backing out now!

A few weeks ago I stepped on a scale, yikes! I had gained 40 pounds in a matter of a few months. How did I let that happen? I accutally thought, at one point, I must be pregnant. That is the only thing I could think of that would cause such a drastic gain in such a short time. It certainly could not be that I ate unhealthy and became sedatary. But it was the latter, I am not pregnant. There was no easy excuse. I am left to face the facts, I GOT LAZY. *sigh*

After that point I got to it. Strted watching what I am eating again and went back to the gym I used to go to. I felt great again!!!! I have seen some results. Mind you there are not huge improvements, but enough to make me smile and to let me know that I am on the right path again. I have lost 5 pounds and 2 inches off my widest point on my stomach. I was super happy to see that!!!!!!! These numbers made me try harder, go longer, and I felt great. And that is what it is all about, feeling good.

Awhile back I had asked my soon to be mother in law, Renee, to talk with a friend about altering the dress, because I knew I would need to have it taken out some at the waist. So today, Renee, emailed me telling that she got ahold of her friend. She asked if I could bring the dress out this weekend so I can be fitted. When I got home (i worked out at the gym for 3 hours) I showered and then figured I would try the dress on and see how close I am. As I said, I was feeling really good about myself. I took the dress off the hanger and tried to slip into it. That didnt work, so I tried putting it on over my head. That worked, somewhat. I got stuck! I feared that I would tear the dress. My hips had gotten so big that I couldnt even put the dress on, even if i left it unzipped. Wow, slap to the face!!!!!! Now I am depressed. I have one month to slim down more so I will continue to try my best. But here is the confession part. I was so depressed I walked to the store and baught a candy bar. Now how is that to help me? I cant turn to food because of emotion!

I want to end on a good note so here it is... My waist is no longer the trouble area. It is smaller than the first time I tried it on. :) So I am thinking that it might be that my hips are next to slim down maybe that is how my body works, waist first then hips. I am doing this right, I can do this, I will do this!

I know if September comes around I may have to go buy another dress, I am in love with the first one, but my health is more important.

Kudos to my fiance, he has lost almost 30 pounds since February. Lucky guy, I am pround of him.

Thank you all for reading this. I just needed to get it out there so and it helped me to deal with the issue. Sorry if the spelling is bad.

Good luck to you all


  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    I bought my dress a few months early but unfortunately the only dress that I liked (and boy did I love it!) was discontinued and all they had was an 18 in juniors which was too tight. But I managed to slim down enough that alterations were possible to make it fit. I couldn't fit in it now, 3 years later, though. I gained quite a bit after.
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    I am so proud of you!!! You came out and opened up, admitted that is was just a lack of staying in shape and you did not give up!!!! I know that you can do this!!! My daughter is overweight, was engaged, bought a dress and never used it, is now a single mom and would love love love to keep her dress but she is trying very hard to also lose the weight. I can sympathize with you and I am here to support and motivate you if and when you need it!!!

  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Good luck to you! Apart from altering the dress you might want to look into a slimming girdle. Keep your head up and remember that your health is first. Wedding dresses can be bought and sold but you can not be replaced!