What Grinds My Gears!



  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    What really grinds my gears is PAJAMA JEANS like what the heckk?? If there so uncomfortable buy bigger jeans....I hope nobody likes those and read this..if you do IM REALLY SORRY!!!

    HA...if you were really sorry you wouldn't have said anything. Those jeans are probably really comfy and if they look good in them why not. I would like to try some myself before or after losing weight.

    Grinding my Gears: SPAM...Viagra ones too.

    Personally I think Pajama Jeans are the creepiest thing ever.

    I'm glad you didnt say right after that..."sorry I said that". Just say what you believe in and stand by it.

    What Grinds my Gears is when people start off by saying "Not to offend anyone, or Sorry I said that" Yes you might offend and some people may disagree but thats why we are all so unique. If we all agreed we would be so boring.
  • B_L_A_Z_I_A_N
    What grinds my gears is people that glare at mothers/fathers/siblings/whatever of a screaming infant. It's not their fault the baby is crying, it's not the babies fault the baby is crying.

    Its their fault if they brought the baby to a place which isn't supposed to be a day care
    ie. the movies. you know good and well your kid isn't going to sit still and be quiet during a 2+ hour movie. Just being obnoxiously inconsiderate

    I'm talking about grocery stores, gas stations, walmarts/targets/shopkos, airplanes when the distance is not drivable. Ect.

    sounds like a discipline problem to me lol



    other people shouldn't be subject to your kid's tantrums no matter where you are

    but I will concede the point if it is a YOUNG baby who can't control his/herself yet
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    I'm glad you didnt say right after that..."sorry I said that". Just say what you believe in and stand by it.

    What Grinds my Gears is when people start off by saying "Not to offend anyone, or Sorry I said that" Yes you might offend and some people may disagree but thats why we are all so unique. If we all agreed we would be so boring.

    Eh. I don't ever feel guilty about my opinion. I only worry about hurting the feelings of someone close to me- and I know what not to say around them so it's usually not a problem.

    Also, it irks me that ever THIRD commercial on TV is about food.
    No wonder theres an obesity epidemic in this country.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I don't even have gears to grind anymore. They're all worn down now.
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    sounds like a discipline problem to me lol



    other people shouldn't be subject to your kid's tantrums no matter where you are

    but I will concede the point if it is a YOUNG baby who can't control his/herself yet

    Oh naturally. I'm not talking about the two-four year olds that you can swat and embarrass them into behaving. Thats why theres a bum in my opinion. It's the newbies (or autistic/behaviorally challenged children [this doesn't include ADD/ADHD which is tossed around like it's a gender now]) that don't bother me.
  • Ajontheguitar
    Yeah I should probably get credit for this thread..lol
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    What really grinds my gears is when someone tells me they have "chigger" bites. I mean come on people, can't you use the proper Latin name???

    And that would be??
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    Yeah I should probably get credit for this thread..lol

    And who have YOU pissed off today? ;]
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    What grinds my gears is people that glare at mothers/fathers/siblings/whatever of a screaming infant. It's not their fault the baby is crying, it's not the babies fault the baby is crying.

    Its their fault if they brought the baby to a place which isn't supposed to be a day care
    ie. the movies. you know good and well your kid isn't going to sit still and be quiet during a 2+ hour movie. Just being obnoxiously inconsiderate

    You must not have any kids.
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    What grinds my gears is people that glare at mothers/fathers/siblings/whatever of a screaming infant. It's not their fault the baby is crying, it's not the babies fault the baby is crying.

    Its their fault if they brought the baby to a place which isn't supposed to be a day care
    ie. the movies. you know good and well your kid isn't going to sit still and be quiet during a 2+ hour movie. Just being obnoxiously inconsiderate

    I'm talking about grocery stores, gas stations, walmarts/targets/shopkos, airplanes when the distance is not drivable. Ect.

    Edit: Or student centers during evening hours in community colleges. The library is meant for quiet study, the student center is meant for the chatty people (or, at my old college anyway.) There was a teenage older sister trying to sooth a fussy 2-week old newborn sibling. This old guy kept glaring at her and I kept glaring at him. We had a glare-off and he refused to utilize the library (if you SNEEZE in there they look at you cross). Then I went and cooed over the baby because honesty that is one of the most beautiful sounds to me.

    You go girl!!
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    "what grinds my gears" Myself control! This should be an easier proccess. im stubborn enough that i should just get-r-done!!
  • B_L_A_Z_I_A_N
    You must not have any kids.

    do i have to have kids to know when you and yours are being inconsiderate?

  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    What really grinds my gears is when someone tells me they have "chigger" bites. I mean come on people, can't you use the proper Latin name???

    And that would be??

    trombiculidae, of course :P
  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    When you are in a long line and the store clerk will pick the phone up and help that person before they help the people that been there for a long time. I swear I feel like calling while Im standing there to get faster service!! Just sayin'
  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    You go girl!!

  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    trombiculidae, of course :P

    Says chiggers on the OFF can, though. =[
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    trombiculidae, of course :P

    Says chiggers on the OFF can, though. =[

    they're just trying to help. they'll do anything for a buck.
  • kbarry90
    kbarry90 Posts: 48
    Dirty kitchens especially when your the only one in the house who cleans the kitchen and everyone else just wants to dirty everything in there. Yeah your suppose to dirty dishes and eat whatever but you don't have to dirty every single dish then decide it's time to do the dishes. I cannot stand going in a kitchen and see a sink full of dishes. We have a freaking dish washer put your plate that you used in there after you rinse it. Okay I'm done.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    People who don't get far enough over in a turn lane in front of you so you nearly hit the
    Continuing on in your lane.

    People who are over the top and have no filter and don't know how to be appropriate when needed.

  • RoseBlanc
    RoseBlanc Posts: 140
    they're just trying to help. they'll do anything for a buck.

    I feel so cheated...

    DIE typos...