


  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm rarely hungry, don't have huge energy bursts and crashes and find that I don't crave sugar or junk food any more. A win-win all round really!
    I call them carb comas. No more of that for me!
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I'm on a moderate carb diet (about 100g a day) and find that my diet is the best it's ever been. I have two portions of fruit a day and at least 4/5 portions of vegetables a day. I'm rarely hungry, don't have huge energy bursts and crashes and find that I don't crave sugar or junk food any more. A win-win all round really!

    I could lessen that to about 60g a day but I love my breakfast cereal too much to give it up.

    My macro's stand at 40%protein, 30%carbs and 30%fat... and I am satisfied with that and fully happy with my diet! If I plan to do some sort of cardio for more than an hour then I will eat more carbs beforehand so don't have issues staying highly active.

    This is what I go by, It has worked for me!