I'm new too!

Hello everyone, I just signed up yesterday (thanks to my sister). So far I'm really liking this site and think it's a great way to keep motivated. I'm not trying to lose a lot of weight, but I want to be more comfortable in my body, get in better shape, and just plain feel better about myself (and look good for my g/f :blushing:). I hope that by coming here on a daily basis, I can do just that! :smile:


  • Hattie2879
    Hattie2879 Posts: 131
    Also, I'm up for adding friends, if it'll help us stay motivated! Just not entirely sure how to do it yet.
  • Tracey_Tee
    Tracey_Tee Posts: 128 Member
    Hi Hattie and welcome to MFP ! I am also new to this .... only joined a couple of days ago !

    I have sent a friend request and look forward to helping to motivate and encourage you !
  • SarahCoon
    I also joined yesterday due to my sister. She has been using the app on her iPhone for the past month and a half and has lost about 20lbs! I just had a baby almot 6 months ago and i need to lose 22lbs to be back to where i was before I got pregnant. My goal is to lose 32lbs and get to my optimal BMI weight.

    I also put the app on my phone which allows me to just scan the barcode of the foods that I eat. Good luck to everyone! If you live in the Phoenix metro area, invite me to be your friend!