C25K Newbie Question - PAIN!

It hurts to move!!!. I didn't think I was that out of shape, I can do my Wii for for 1 hour, Wii Active workouts with no problem, take Highland Dance Classes, and walk 5K every other weekend when I don't have my kids....but I decided to try the C25K program

I just did W1D1 on Tuesday and did my rest day yesterday. I made it through the whole 1/2 hour with only shortening my running time on the last interval by a few seconds but now two days later I can barely walk. My shins/calves are fine, but my upper front thigh is very tender as well as the front of my ankles (weird place I know).

So should I push through this and do W1D2 tonight and it will gradually get better, or should I stop until healed, then maybe try to do only 15 minutes of D1 for a week, then move up to the full 1/2 hour? I just don't want to injure myself and am VERY NEW to the whole running thing.

Advice would be appreciated


  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 487 Member
    Did you warm up before doing the program or strech your muscles before getting on the treadmill?

    If not, try doing it for about five minutes as it may help with the pain as you may have not really used that muscle in a while. The muscle is probably said to you: "What are you doing??? Why?? Why??" LOL

  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    This is a whole different animal than Wii.

    Do you have good shoes? What is your pace like? If you start too fast you will get shin splints and they hurt like a son of a *****!

    And Streeeeetchhhhh.......before AND after.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    you probably need to warm up then stretch first then go at it... I hurty my knee w3 and never got back into it but I was wearing the wrong shoes
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Stretch, stretch, stretch! It's a forgotten aspect sometimes with new runners, and it's cruical to avoid injuries.

    As for working through the pain - there are two types of pain, one you can work through, and one that is calling for rest. If it's more of a muscle ache pain, you can run through it. If it feels like you're being stabbed, rest. Only you can determine which category this pain falls into. Be careful, and good luck!
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    I was the same after my first run and was dreading my second run, but when I did it I found I did not ache half as much as I thought... I am now on week 9 and loving it.

    It also helped me alot getting a proper pair of running shoes.

    Hope this helps and enjoy
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    I did w1d1 but only 1/2 of it.. because i struggled to keep up, so have been using the elliptical instead this week! I would say that you will feel pain, because if you're not used to running you're using far more energy to do so than walk..

    Myself... I would probably try and push through it but with 1/2 of w1d2, because if you wait to heal and try again you will probably find the same issue.

    You know your own body, and you know when something isn't right.. and if the pain isn't a normal "i've worked too hard" type of pain, then maybe stop and carry on alternating between a brisk walk and walk?

    I hope you figure it out :)

    ALSO! I found after a hard strength training session that my quads and hammy's were rather sore! (could barely walk...) after a good session on the bike and elliptical my legs were good as new, so it's probably that you just need some oxygen to your muscles!!
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    I did stretch (maybe not enough though) and wear a good New Balance running shoe that I just bought. My shins are fine so far but you use your calf muscles alot in the kind of dance I do. My pace was pretty slow because I wanted to make sure I could get through the whole 1 minute run and not sprint for like 10 seconds and then be done.

    What are good runner stretches as maybe my dances ones are not sufficient for running.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Sounds like you could benefit from warming up your ankles. Try "drawing" the letters of the alphabet with each foot.
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    Sounds like you could benefit from warming up your ankles. Try "drawing" the letters of the alphabet with each foot.

    love this.. i'm doing it at my desk now.. rather clever!