96.7 - 89.3

Hey all I have gone from 96.7kilos to 89.3 I still have a long way to go... but ...

This is the photo which showed me that I needed to lose weight :/2n7qyih.jpg

And here is me today... 2qusmsn.jpg

Is there any difference at all?


  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    The pictures cut off so I can't see you in either of them...
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I'll say, you don't look like a car anymore..
  • kayler00
    kayler00 Posts: 35 Member
    Maybe upload them to tinypic.com or photobucket.com & just give us the links. =)
  • goldnanoparticle
    goldnanoparticle Posts: 37 Member
    Haha nice - I know the feeling! Keep it up!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i cant see you either..or did you mean you were big like a car, but are now thinner like a door ?? LoL..lust kidding, but i will check back to see if it gets fixed...i look forward to seeing the difference
  • car to a door nice ;)
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    If the pics are cut off, right click on the pic and select "open in new tab" :O)

    I'd say you have more definition around your neck and jaw and your tummy looks flatter.
  • goddesshanna
    goddesshanna Posts: 69 Member
    It definitely looks like there is a lot less around your waistline to me! The second picture is at a bad angle. You'd look even better if you stood up straight and smiled :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Don't worry I fixed them :)
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    Your face and waist definitely look thinner! keep up the good work.

    you can just copy the image urls and open them in a new window/tab, the max width of the posts in the forum is what cuts it off