P90X Lean - Starting Saturday, August 6th

jmtp Posts: 26 Member
Hi everyone,

I have decided to move on from 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 to P90x. I've seen some amazing results on here and want to see the same! Is anyone around here looking to start on/around that date? I'd love some people to help with motivation and accountability!


  • derrickr333
    I just want to give you a small warning. It is a very rigerous workout. Make sure you take their advise on the video and do only what you can, and build a tolerance. Make sure you are indoors, and hydrated. Keep a fan close by or the A.C. on. Take breaks as needed, fell free to use the pause button while keeping your heart rate up.

    Tear it up, Keep focused take your time, and you can conquer it! Go Get em.
  • jmtp
    jmtp Posts: 26 Member
    Boo, no one joined me. Oh well, I'll continue on all by my lonesome. First week done! Go me!

    If anyone does read this and has experience with P90x, how oh how did you manage to eat according to the nutritional plan? According to their calculations, I'm level II, which puts me at eating 2600 calories a DAY. That's a huge amount of food when eating clean, and it's simply too much for me. So, I decided to compromise and do 1800 calories a day, which is level I. Only problem is, I'm not even meeting that caloric goal. Every time I see people on here asking how to up their calories, people just tell them to eat fatty foods like avocados, etc. (Yes, I realize it is good fat). I am trying to stay within the recommended macro levels, however, which puts me at 50% protein, 30% carbs, and 20% fat, so it's not as simple as adding in a few more high fat foods. I'm drastically under on my protein every day and I'm eating as much lean chicken, tuna, and egg whites as I can stand. Protein powder is expensive and I simply don't have it in my budget right now. So I guess I'm asking how others manage to follow the dietary guidelines without blowing a ton of money on protein powders, bars, and recovery drinks? Any suggests for ways to tweak my diet?
  • Sutoazul
    Me and my girlfriend are doing the Lean program, tomorrow (Monday) we start the 4th week (recovery)... btw not looking forward to Yoga twice this week!!
    Anyways, about the food, I completly agree with you that the amount of calories they ask for on the nutrition plan is just too hard to achieved while eating healthy. I fall under the III which is 3000 calories....way too much and I eat as much as I can, but I never get to 2500. Anyways, just like you I compromised at 2400 calories/day... trying to do the 50% protein, 30 carbs & 20 fat.... I constantly go over my fat, and barely make it to the 50% protein. I eat lots of grilled chicken, tuna, pork, etc... On days that we have weights (arms & shoulders and legs & backs) we include a cup of white rice to give us some carbs so we don't crash.
    We also include a protein shake (it's a little nasty but you just got do it). I drink 2 scoops everyday, the girlfriend only one twice a week.
    We bought the muscle milk 6 pounds at Costco is only about $36, which is not bad. Anyways I hope this help you.... you are not alone and do your best and forget the rest... I know corny. Good luck.