Hello Pink Team for Stay At Home Mom's Unite- 60 Day Challenge, and welcome to the new forum for our team. I will post week 3's challenge here so that we can start fresh. We currently have 4 team members: myself, MichelleLydia, Mom2C, and NinaSparks. I will be expecting a 5th member to join soon, and will introduce everyone when she comes onboard! Also, just a heads up, I will be starting a new topic at the beginning of every weekly challenge so that we don't have to keep scrolling through 20 pages to find info. Okay so here is to a new beginning and giving it All we got! I am so proud of all of you and know that although, at times it may be tough and you feel like giving up, don't because That is when you make the most progress. :) Good luck to everyone on the Week 3 Challenge and let's get this party started!
Best of Luck,


Pink Team Captain


  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    Week 3 (can you believe it!)

    Cardio Challenge: 45min X 5 days this week

    Strength Challenge: Lunges 15 per day x 2 days and Crunches 50 per day X 2 days

    Stretch Challenge:
    Stretch before and after every workout this week. Here is a site that has some great stretching examples, http://www.thewalkingsite.com/stretching.html

    Water Challenge: 64 OZ of Water a day for atleast 4 days.

    Team Challenge:
    Get to know your team: Each team member needs to read there teammates profile and make a comment on your team thread about them. Let your teammates know why they are great teammates or why they inspire you to try harder.

    *Everyone is doing a great job! Keep up the great work!
  • ninasparx
    so quick question, do these challenges all go together, like do we continue to do the workout challenges from week 1 and 2 on week 3??? along with week 3 challenges?
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    Great Question! They are not required. It's completely upto you if you wish to do all of the workouts every week, and the points are given only on the current weeks challenge. I continue to include all of them in my workouts, only because I've found that I feel better doing a bunch of different things instead of a lot of one thing :). I get bored easily lol. I hope that answered your question.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    This is going to be a hard week for me to accomplish the challenges, but I'll be trying my best. I'll either do some working out tonight or if not, I'll definitely start back up tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a great week. It feels like Monday to all of us here, since we just got back last night!
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    I remember coming back from Disney on a Thursday... we were all screwed up lol. Take it easy if you need to, but the sooner you start back up, the better you will feel (all around). Hope you had a blast on vaca and welcome back!

    * Let me just point out that you have lost a total of 85 Pounds!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!
    That is so motivating and I applaud you on everything that you did and are setting out to do. You freakin ROck!!! :)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Team Pink!
    Sorry to put the Team Green siggy on your board but I have to post in everyones thread so I can keep track of everyone. You are all doing an amazing job and I welcome Tayla as your new Team Captain.
    Have a great week,
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Hi Pink Team. How is everyone doing today?

    I wanted to post that I did my exercise for today. I did 30 minutes of jogging on the Wii Fit Plus and 10 minutes of Just Dance 2 on the Wii. I also did my stretching, 30 lunges, and 100 crunches. Now I just need to work on drinking the water!
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    Nice work Amy! You're amazing... getting right back to it! :)

    I did 60 minutes of cardio, squats, situps, jumping jacks, lunges, push ups, and consumed more water than I can handle today lol. Playing make up for yesterday, as I was pretty sick. But much better now. :)
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    *Okay PINK TEAM... We have a new member, her name is Jeanette424. Please give her a warm welcome! You came to the right place Jeanette!!!

    Also, if anyone has any suggestions for our team or for me as a captain and how I can provide a smoother process or better tracking or anything really, by all means, throw them my way. :)

    I hope everyone is having a great day!
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    Hey guys sorry to have disappeared! I haven't had a chance to even be on the computer - but I'm back :) and working hard to burn off this booze I consumed these past few days - oops! At least I wasn't eating that bad!!
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    That's funny! I'm glad that you are back and how was the celebration? I hope you had a good time!
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    That's funny! I'm glad that you are back and how was the celebration? I hope you had a good time!

    Was such a great time, my sister is known for having birthdays that end up horribly - so was so nice to see her have such a great time. I am back on track, just feeling blah and guilty. But can't change the past, just focus on the future and my goals!
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    HI Everyone! Jeanette424 has gracefully bowed out of the challenge and I am looking for a fifth member for our team. I will let you know when the new member joins.

    Also, how are my ladies doing on this weeks challenge?
    I will be completeing the emotional challenge later this afternoon.
    I have done my stretching and squats (along with all of the other exercises from previous weeks) as well as my cardio. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm not gonna lie though, I was sick and went a little overboard in the food department sooooo I'm a little nervous about the weigh in. Although, I am proud of myself for only weighing in on Wednesdays and not peeking at the scale for the past 2 challenges. It's too much of a head game for me so I have to learn to stick to it once a week and I'm all Good! Good luck on tomorrows weigh ins and please let me know if you need anything fro me! THANKS :0)
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    I would like to welcome chellaJKR to our team! Let's rock this challenge!
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Hey guys! Glad to be on board!

    Just a quick question: Is tomorrows weigh in basically my start day? And start accumulating points after that point? Thanks for your help =)
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    Great Question! Tomorrow would be a great day for you to begin with the weigh ins and the new week 4 challenge which Karie will post in the main thread. Everyone on the Pink teams update posts should read as follows:

    SAHMU Starting Weight:
    Week 1:
    Week 2:
    Week 3:
    Then put the lbs. +/- in during that current challges week.

    SAHMU starting weight :156
    week 1 :152.8
    week 2: 151.5
    week 3: 151
    Lost 0.5 lbs during week 3!

    *For you I would suggest to put:
    SAHMU starting weight: #
    Week 3: # (same as starting weight)

    Just so it's easier in the future when you go back to scroll through the thred to know when and where you started and you can guage it from there. Also, it's good to know which weeks were better, so then you can go back to those weeks in your food and exercise journal and see what you did right/better during the good weeks.
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    CONGRATS on already losing 11 LBS!!! WTG!
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    Welcome chellaJKR!! Glad to have you on board :)

    I'm doing surprisingly well with my challenges this week, done all my crunches/lunges (which can I say I HATE lunges!! and my Biggest Loser game LOVES to make me do floating lunges, yuck!) I always do my stretching prior to working out, I've done cardio 5 days this week, and I make sure to drink at least 4L of water a day! (1 bottle with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and workout!)

    Now I guess to get to know your teammates:

    Tayla_Grant: you are a gorgeous mommy!! and such a wonderful support and motivator - so glad you're our team's captain!!

    mom2caelebncasyn - your weightloss and transformation keeps me going, you look absolutely amazing and have had an incredible transformation!! And you always have such kind words to offer :)

    chellaJKR - I haven't had the chance to get to know you yet, but you already seem to be on a roll, and with 3 kiddos and a part time job, kudos to you!!

    NinaSparks - Congrats on your weightloss already, and your committment (even throughout being sick!!) with 4 kids in the house you definitely deserve to do this for yourself.

    Pink Team - you guys are all so amazing, and I'm glad to be part of your team!!!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Hi girls :)

    Completed my cardio for today, thanks to the Wii and Casyn napping. I'm getting ready to start my crunches now, but I wanted to post really quickly and say that I hope everyone is having a good day.

    Also, welcome to the Pink Team ChellaJKR :)

    Here's my posting about our teammates:

    Tayla: You are such a great motivator to me. I always see how much you work out and how positive you are and it motivates me. You are doing an amazing job as our captain, thank you :)

    Michelle: You also are a great motivator. You are always doing something it seems like, whether it be with your son or a Biggest Loser DVD, you are always moving and being active.

    NinaSparkx: I haven't really talked with you, but I want to say that being able to do ANYTHING, let alone find time to exercise with 4 kids is amazing to me. I feel super stressed sometimes with just my 2! LOL And I agree with Michelle that you definitely deserve to do this for yourself (as we all do!).

    chellaJKR: I haven't had a chance to talk with you, but I wanted to say that with 3 young kids, working part time and still finding time for yourself to make healthy eating choices and exercise, you are awesome! I just read your blogpost and your writing is great (I wish I could sound like that!). And I completely understand feeling like XXX's mommy (hence my username here, LOL).

    Ladies, you are all doing great and I think you are all awesome!
    OK, now I'm off to do my crunches....Happy Tuesday everyone and I'll "see" ya all tomorrow at our weigh in :)
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    First off let me start by saying that it is an honor to be captain of this team! You ladies are my ROCKS and are all so supportive of eachother that it makes being captain of this team easy. With that being said, I have completed all of the physical challenges for this week, and now onto the emotional part of getting to know my teammates.

    Michelle (MichelleLydia): Girl, you look hott in that sleeveless dress and those arms are toned! Lucas is lucky to have you as a Mom and you are setting a great example for everyone you surround yourself with (including this MFP friend). You have an amazing amount of motivation and you are going to meet that goal of yours with Flying Colors!! I'm so glad that we are on the same team and it has given me the chance to get to know you. You give me hope in this (seems to be) never ending battle with my weight. :)

    Amy (Mom2Caelebncasyn): It still amazes me that you went to Disney and STILL managed to lost weight. You are truly an inspiration to me. You are so dedicated and diciplined and are really a person to look up to. 85 pounds is an Outstanding weight loss and I applaud you in everything that you have done and are doing. You look so young and beautiful! You literally do something to better yourself everyday and I am deeply moved by that. I'm proud of you lady!

    Becky (NinaSparx): 4 kids and you have more energy than I could ever ask for. How you do it, I have no idea, but pass on the secret! You are doing an awesome job and you stay motivated even through tough circumstances (like your MIL having your daughter for the weekend<--- I know how u feel). Keep up the good work hun!

    ChellaJKR: Although I don't know you on a personal level yet, I KNOW that you want this challenge and are motivated to do what it takes. You jumped at the opportunity to join and said you have been following the threads already so I know that you got that extra oomph that it takes to make amazing things happen! Welcome to the Pink team and the SAHMU challenge. I hope you are here to stay, and I look forward to getting to know you better!

    Ladies, you all freakin rock and I am so proud of this team! WTG! GO PINK!