Going Vegetarian?

I am considering going vegetarian and I was wondering if anyone has any tips concerning that step?


  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    I am considering going vegetarian and I was wondering if anyone has any tips concerning that step?
  • kittygirl23
    I go veggie on and off for a bit and the only advice i have is make sure you have a lot of alternative protiens available to you. I never had a problem keeping all my other nutrients up. But I experimented with tofu and other soy bases, seiten, bulgur wheat, veggie meats (still soy based). Also, if you're a big meat eater now maybe wean yourself off. The cravings don't hit me quite as hard if I go down a little at a time. Usually, I start with going to one meal with meat a day, then after a couple weeks down to a couple meals a week.

    Good luck :wink:
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    Also - beans. Beans are super food for vegetarians. Low in fat, high in protein, etc. Nuts as well. I find myself eating nuts and beans almost every day. (Eggs, too, unless you're going vegan.)
  • chrisesha
    Good idea! For you, the animals, the Earth.. the list goes on. Honestly, there are more than enough resources online, not to mention recipes and supportive forums. If I had to limit my advice and tips to just one thing (this is just off the top of my head), I'd say don't go crazy worrying about the protein. Unless you plan on skipping straight to vegan, non-meat foods contain more than enough. Being overly cautious might cause you to stray (and for no good reason). You don't need to spend lots and lots of extra time preparing your meals, or get obsessive about the high-end veggie brands (unless you want to do these things.) Just read labels, and it'll get easier. Vegeteable soup does not equal vegetarian. OK, so I digressed. Just do it!!
  • lc_moeun
    People become vegetarian for many different reasons, health, compassion, etc. The first step to becoming vegetarian is trying to figure out for yourself why you are making this choice. The second step is to become educated. My recommendations for some reading would be "Becoming Vegetarian: The Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Vegetarian Diet" and also "Becoming Vegetarian for Dummies." They are both good resources to use because it addresses the practical aspect of becoming vegetarian including how to get certain minerals and vitamins that maybe more difficult to get on a veg diet. Thirdly if you don't have a passion for prepping and cooking get one because to get the most out of this you really want to enjoy your own food. Vegetarianism is not an excuse to replace chicken and beef with chocolate bars and potato chips. Also keep in mind a lot of "mock meats" or analog meats can be high in sodium and nutritionally detrimental. Having been a huge meat eater (to the point of being diagnosed with gout) and now a vegetarian for a few years I can tell you this is not a decision you will regret. Cheers! :drinker:
  • kcmaier
    I just became a vegetarian a few months ago (a little before I joined this site) and since then I have lost 11 lbs and I think it is in LARGE part to becoming vegetarian. I love it... I feel so much better and with all the meat substitutes out there I haven't missed meat since I started cause I can get my fix from substitutes! When I first started I found websites where people rated meat subs and I bought the highest rated one and I just love 'em! I would recommend Quorn chic'n nuggets oh my goodness I can't keep them stalked in my house I go through them so fast they're so delicious and I honstly can't understand how they're not... they look, smell, taste just like the real stuff so I don't miss it that much. You picked a difficult time to decide this with Thanksgiving around the corner... this is my first year being veg. over the holiday and i'm the only one in my family so it should be interesting

    Best of luck to you in whatever you decide!
  • stephiepoo
    I have been a vegetarian for 4 years now. Some tips I suggest (If you don't just want to jump in..) is to eliminate little by little. I eliminated beef and pork, then chicken, and lastly seafood. Have many meat substitutes available, they really help (Morningstar Farms, Boca, Tofu, Tempeh, etc..), Don't go overboard on carbs and vegetarian junk food ( I did that :embarassed: , instead add more veggies to your meals) and of course eat lots of veggies and fruits :happy: Also you might want to consult with a doctor for multivitamins and supplements. Good luck and I wish you well on your journey. :flowerforyou:

    PS: For thanksgiving they have various turkey substitutes, like Tufurky :love: yumm
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Thank you, everyone. This is really helpful. I will get some literature on the matter and I like the idea about easing into the process. I was a vegetarian years ago (before the weight gain) and I loved it. I've tried going back so many times and it's a lot harder than I thought.

    Thanks for the encouragement. :wink: