Can't seem to keep down a vitamin.



  • sarahlong09
    they also have a ton of nutritional products of all sorts... and a meal replacement shake that is perfect for a woman trying to loose weight... you can personalize its protien as well.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    same here but i started taking mine in the middle of the day with my lunch. works way better for me!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I have always had that problem with vitamins, although usually taking them with a solid meal did the trick for me. I recently switched to One A Day Women's and I can even take them on a empty stomach without them making me nauseous. I love them.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I take gummie prenatals and occasionally children's princess gummies. They're so good and the only way I keep them down. :) If you want to try the ones you're taking, maybe a pill crusher or splitter?
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Ugh! I used to have the same problem. Sometimes too much iron or the coating on the vitamin can upset your stomach.

    After MUCH shopping around (and much vomiting...) I made the investment in Whole Foods daily. Everything is made from raw food sources so it's really easy on your body. It's a little bit more expensive but not by much. I just got the Whole Foods brand 90 capsules for about $13.00.

    Good luck!
  • EnS1110
    EnS1110 Posts: 10
    Make sure you eat BEFORE taking the vitamin.. I have the same problem
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    I had the same problem - regular vitamins make me nausea. Take the gummy vitamins and you shouldn't have any problem.
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Maybe there is something in that particular multivitamin that you are allergic too.....try switching...if it keeps happening I would pay a visit to you doctor. People can develop allergies at any point in their lives!
  • jknight73
    I didn't read through all the posts, so if somebody already mentioned this...but my husband and I discoverd Ecodrink at Costco a few weeks ago. It's the equivalent of taking two mult-vitamins a day, but it's a powdered supplement you add to your water. It's similar to the Propel packets. Comes in berry and orange flavor and it came with a reusable bottle and 30 day supply for $20 I think. It tastes good and I don't get an upset stomach like I normally do from vitamin pills. It's a little strong for me so I water it down a little more than they say to or add it to a bigger bottle of water. It also has electrolytes in it too to help with dehydration. You can also order it off their website if you don't have a Costco membership.
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    I get totally ill from multi's but its actually because there are so many ingredients in them that I was having an adverse reaction to lycopene. Talk to your doctor about whether you need them and if he/she says yes, I say go with the gummies! very yummy!
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    I didn't read through all the posts, so if somebody already mentioned this...but my husband and I discoverd Ecodrink at Costco a few weeks ago. It's the equivalent of taking two mult-vitamins a day, but it's a powdered supplement you add to your water. It's similar to the Propel packets. Comes in berry and orange flavor and it came with a reusable bottle and 30 day supply for $20 I think. It tastes good and I don't get an upset stomach like I normally do from vitamin pills. It's a little strong for me so I water it down a little more than they say to or add it to a bigger bottle of water. It also has electrolytes in it too to help with dehydration. You can also order it off their website if you don't have a Costco membership.

    Jknight, you should be careful taking too many multivitamins when you have a balanced diet can actually be harmful to you. You should also not be taking in extra electrolytes unless you are balancing it out with sodium and potassium and only if your actually dehydrated. Drinks with Electrolytes were designed for marathon runners, extreme athletes etc.

    I am currently suffering with a disease where one of the major causes (according to the newest material) is attributed to taking in an excess of Vitamin A that is not required. One of the meds is a diuretic and the nutritionist and I have talked extensively about electrolytes and I am monitored each month because the imbalance can cause serious kidney problems.
  • DeanR321
    DeanR321 Posts: 57 Member
    Try halfing the tablets in 2 as they are very big but you do get used to taking them after a while.

    feeling extreme nausea every time i take my multi-vitamin on an empty stomach. This is usually easily resolved by popping some food in my mouth. I've noticed, the higher the fat content of the food i eat, the faster the feeling goes away. So here is my educated physiology asnwer to this question.
    Nausea/vomitting is not well understood, but there are vomitting centers in your brainstem that respond both to chemoreceptors (toxins/allergies/etc) and to motion (from your ear).

    What happens when you eat a multivit, is you take a very large dose of essential ions, 'vital amines', and sometimes metals such as zinc and iron. all of these are necessary for your bodys daily use, but taken in large amounts set off toxin triggers in your brain.
    Eating food dilutes the effects of these more 'toxic' necessities and your brain doesn't see the amount you just ingested as harmful. I believe that some of these components are most likely fat soluble, and therefore eating something with some fat such as yogurt or cheese allows for even faster dilution of your multi vitamin.

    Hope that clears things up for some people! Everyone's bodies respond differently to different substances, hence the varied responses. Figure out what works for you and what doesn't. If you're still feeling sick even after eating, you're most likely especially sensitive and should switch to multi vitamins with lower doses (such as a child's vit taken twice a day) or consult your doctor on how to take these vitamins seperately so you don't feel sick.

  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    They have the gummy vitamins.

    Try breaking/cutting it in half. Take half with breakfast and half with dinner. A full vitamin is most likely too much for your body to process all at once.

    Otherwise, if you have a good diet you don't need a multivitamin. Look over your diet and see what you are lacking... try to add those foods into your diet so you don't need to take a vitamin.