Bodyrockers - Ugi ball replacement???



  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Another alternative to a regular sandbag or ugi ball is this:

    Looks like you'd get a great workout with endless variety in exercises and it's cheap to make.

    /goes off to tire store to get an old tube

  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Instead of the Ugi ball you can buy a medecine ball ! The cost is lower than the ugi ball and it do the same job! :)

    Thought about this, but when you do like squats and what not, it would be too low..?
  • tmontgomery69
    I've looked at doing bodyrock so many times but I just can not seem to justify paying for ALL of the different things that she uses....sand bag, dip station, ugi ball.

    here's a cheaper sand bag that I found. http://www.****

    I would like to start her workouts at some point. :)
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I've looked at doing bodyrock so many times but I just can not seem to justify paying for ALL of the different things that she uses....sand bag, dip station, ugi ball.

    There's really no reason to need any equipment to do the Bodyrock workouts because if you dig through the archives (especially the ones from 2009/early 2010) you will find many that either use only bodyweight or just use household equipment (like a chair). But I suppose if you want to follow along with the most current workouts, it does seem a lot more equipment heavy. I don't really like that change about the workouts. They used to be so minimalist. They still are compared with many workouts out there, but I think that they perhaps have gotten some sponsors and maybe they need to use certain products now to get revenue?
  • EndTheTrendNow
    I really like the Ugi Ball.

    I wrote an article and have a video on the Ugi Ball.

    It is a great piece of fitness equipment. I prefer it over the sand bag, which I also have. Between the Ugi Ball, my Kettlebell and my Pull-up bar, I can do some really good exercises.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I have been contemplating doing bodyrocks and saw this and wanted to be able to come back to it for ideas. I will start with the workouts that don't have a equipment. I did think kitty litter in a duffle bag might replace a sandbag for now.
  • bedgewood
    The UGI ball is unavailable in the uk ( let alone affordable). I have bought one of these.

    I think it is pretty much identical the 4kg one is the closest to the 8lb Zuzana uses. The quality doesn't look as good. but at a fraction of the price its great. I bought it off their ebay shop for £25 delivered.

  • biirdy
    biirdy Posts: 1

    Can you tell me what its called please, as the link doesn't quite work :)
  • aurelieloria
    this is cheaper - however you could just use a combination of balance ball and medicine ball like others have mentioned.
    You don't have to have all the equipment
  • bedgewood
    Its called a soft medicine ball,


    search for soft medicine ball on

    its a bit cheaper on ebay
  • russmrh
    russmrh Posts: 1
    I have just bought a soft medicine ball on amazon - just searched for "soft medicine ball" in sport and leisure.
    Also sold on ebay

    45cm so similar in size to the Ugi ball and a choice of weights.

    Good luck!

  • Mushiebear
    RE: sandbags... cheaper version available (at least to US residents):


    And, would this work for the UGI ball? If so, I'll order one as I'm really jonesing for a UGI but can't rationalize the price....

  • EndTheTrendNow
    I should have another review up hopefully by the weekend comparing the Ugi medicine ball with the Dynamax medicine ball. Both are great products. I just got the Dynamax ball in yesterday and I must say it is really top notch.
  • EndTheTrendNow
    Just put up a video review of the Dynamax Ball vs the Ugi Ball. IMO the Dynamax ball is a true medicine ball, where as the Ugi ball is more of a hybrid. Meaning it's softer and a little bit bigger than a traditional medicine ball. Both balls a good and both companies have good customer support.

    Here is the video review

    If you're wanting to use the ball to do pushups on and have your feet be on the balls, the Ugi Ball might be a better choice. If you are wanting to do a lot of traditional medicine ball exercises, the Dynamax Ball is pretty sweet.

    Either Ball will make a awesome choice though. You are looking to save money the Dynamax Ball wins.
  • EndTheTrendNow
    I contacted two other Medicine ball companies that also sell medicine balls that look good. I post another review if they send me out some medicine balls for reviews.
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    There is a link on the bodyrock site for a DIY ugi ball, it looks amazing! you should also be able to find one there for a DIY sandbag and Dip bars
  • giorgigirl7
    I ordered a sandbag off Amazon - think it was a SKLZ . It was only about $45. Yes, it came with empty, fillable, bags, but a trip to Lowes got me a 50# bag of sand for around $3. The handles are really strong, as is the overall construction of the bag. Oh yeah - free super saver shipping too! :o)
  • annanutbread
    annanutbread Posts: 1 Member
    If anyone is interested on a cheaper version for a dip station there are tons of DIY videos on youtube :)