Calling all newish mothers..



  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I had Leo 14wks ago and I gained 14lbs but was overweight to start :( I need to go from 176lbs to 126/130lbs and Im sticking to 1,200 cals a day to start with. Anyone is free to add me x
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Hi there! I have a 19 month old "baby." I did not lose weight faster while nursing, either. I lost the initial 20-25 lbs after giving north, and the rest has come off very slowly, with most of it being in the last few months. What I found was that, around 6 months, I started struggling some with milk supply, so I really had to make sure I ate enough calories. It was my goal to BF/pump until at least 12 months, so for me, that meant weight loss took a backseat. Once she was 12 months old, I stopped pumping, but kept BF when she wanted to...usually 2-3 times a day. At that point, I found I could cut back on calories and not affect my supply. BUT...I did not get serious about working out and eating right until a couple of months ago. So here I am! I've actually gotten back to close to pre-preggo weight, but I was overweight to start with, so I still have more to go. Good luck to you. We can do this!