Am I doing something wrong?

katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
The first three weeks I lost 6 lbs, but the last two weeks I've been stuck! Am I not eating enough calories? Too many? I am breastfeeding, so I eat more than the minimum. I also usually eat my exercise calories. I didn't think I would hit a plateau 6 lbs in! I need to lose at least 50...

The first few weeks my 'goal' was 1410 and I added 300 for BFing.
Past couple of weeks, I just changed my goal to 1660. (The 1410 changed to 1370 when I went under 180 lbs.)
When I exercise it's usually between 200 - 500 calories, and I usually eat them back (with healthy snacks.) I try not to eat all 500 when I do p90x because I don't have a HRM so I don't know if I'm actually burning that much.

So. I'm eating healthy, with a deficit that is NOT the same every day. (Sometimes I go over my goal, sometimes I'm under. I always net at least 1200 though.) I'm exercising. A lot. I've been doing p90x the past few days, riding my bike the past week or so, and playing Wii Fit since I started over a month ago.

So why am I not losing? I don't know if I should try eating more or less?? For awhile there I was doing 1200 + 300 and I didn't lose during that week either. :/ Help? :frown:

Edit: I'm only eating 300 extra for BFing because my baby is almost 9 months and eats *some* solids. I'm still his main source of nutrition, though.


  • I have the same problem. I work out at least 3 times a week. Each 45 minutes for cardio. Also 2 times a week for weight lifting. I only need 10 pounds to lose but I don't see the result. People kept telling me that maybe fat becomes muscle. Blah, but I want to lose some weights especially around my waist.

    Please, I need some advice.
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Congrats on the 6 pounds! Wow. Don't be discouraged after only 2 weeks of plateau, just keep up the great work! It'll come off over time.
  • Keep in mind that p90x is building some serious muscle! All exercise does, but especially this. Muscle weighs more than fat, try taking measurements and going off of those to gauge success for a few weeks. I bet you're losing major inches!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Bump. :)
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I don't consider two weeks a plateau myself, just a normal variation - what you're doing sound pretty good - keep it up and you should see results.
  • Keep in mind that p90x is building some serious muscle! All exercise does, but especially this. Muscle weighs more than fat, try taking measurements and going off of those to gauge success for a few weeks. I bet you're losing major inches!

    I agree!
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member

    muscle does not weigh more than fat..its just more dense. can not put on muscle while dieting. unless you are a super newb and are very strict about your eating and dont do cardio. especially in women. a female professional body builder who is super conscious of her lifting and diet may MAY put on 1 lb of muscle every few months.

    and all p90x does is help burn fat. building muscle its an anareobic exercise..p90x is an areobic. fat doesnt 'turn' into muscle. is it possible to build muscle and burn fat at the same time..yes..but like i said..ONLY under the strictest of diet and training, and only if you are a newb to lifting.

    i dont understand all the numbers you are throwing around. what is your T.E.E.? breast feeding in theory should help you lose fat. as if you are eating at a calorie deficit your body needs to get some energy from fat to produce breast milk. its probably very minimal..but still...

    just keep at it, re-examine your cal intake. many of us over estimate our calorie expenditure and under est. our cal intake.
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    What is a T.E.E? I also really think p90x builds muscle...
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    I hate to disagree with another MFP's opinon but unfortunately I can't let someone pass on (possibly unknowingly wrong facts) it goes against who I am and contradicts why I went to school for health science education. (I hope I'm not offending anyone here)

    1. If you are doing any kind of toning exercise you will gain muscle while losing fat.. I don't know where this theory that you won't build muscle comes from... now you are going to "hulk" out but your exisiting muscles willl build and become stronger while fat will diminish. I have read multiple studies on the subject and it just makes sense based on physiology. Now the rates of change are vastly different - meaning that you will lose fat faster than you will gain muscle but you will gain muscles - nice tone muscle that will look awesome once the fat fades away!

    2. Also muscle does weigh more than fat when comparing similar volumes which is where the saying comes from. For example 1 cup of rocks weighs more than 1 cup of feathers which is why the scale may stall or go up slightly while the your physical size goes down. Which is why people like to say it is only more dense because like my example a rock is denser than a feather just as muscle is denser than fat.

    Now I am not sure that this is happening after only 2 weeks of working out and eating healthfully but I have never done p90x before and have no base of knowledge for comparing this to normal cardio/circuit/toning exercises... What I Think (and this part is only my opinion) is that your body may be acting slightly different than a non-lactating woman's body and and it may take longer to get the perfect food intake/exercise combo. I would just keep trying and making small adjustments until you hit that perfect combination.

    I hope some of this helps you.
    Good luck!!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Thank you, everyone, for your input. I am going to try something slightly different and eat 1700-1800 cals a day (normal minimum for nursing moms) and not eat exercise calories. UNLESS I need to in order to have a net of 1200. I hope it works!
  • just a quick advice, same thing happend to me, after 3 weeks of losing 6pounds i stopped losing for 2 weeks. but after that 2 weeks my weight just fell off. now im on week 7 and down 14 pounds. usually ur body starts building muscle or retaining water, i tried to drink more water and i decided to stop lifting because i wanted to lose alot of fat first.
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Awesome!! Thank you :-)
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