I can see my problem already



  • MandyCanDo
    MandyCanDo Posts: 53 Member
    I really, really appreciate all the helpful advice! Some of it I think I already knew deep down, but was refusing to address. I need to plan better. I am so busy trying to do for everyone else, that I put myself on the back burner and try to get by. I have been tredding water for so long with the occasional dip below the surface that I forgot how to take control and swim! I will be using some of your tips right away and others I will try to incorporate as I go. We will see what the first wiegh in reveals next Tuesday! Feel free to keep offering suggestions too, This is a marathon after all, not a 100 yard dash!! Thanks again!!!:happy:
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    Cut out the wraps with your lunch. You don't need them. The tuna salad for instance is great, bulk it up, cut the wrap out. For a sweet kick after my lunch, I make sugar free jelly, 140ml in each portion, only 8 calories.

    Try having oatmeal for breakfast as this fills you up for longer.

    Eat more veg with your dinner also.

    Edited to say, my food diary is open so you can take a look at it if you want :-)