Can I ask a stupid Shred question?



  • 111408
    111408 Posts: 27
    There are a ton of threads on the weight loss people get with this and GENERALLY not a lot of people have lost that promised twenty pounds. Most I have seen have lost between 4-11 pounds BUT everyone seems to have lost a ton, A TON, of inches!

    Check out all the crazy awesome before and afters on that thread and the one prior to it!
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I am doing the same thing... Probably wont get the same results as doing it 30 days in a row but I like to mix up my workouts and it gets my strength in :)
  • lucky1304
    lucky1304 Posts: 57 Member
    That success thread is inspiring. I'd really like to try it for 30 days in a row doing each level for 10 days, but I'm worried it will be overkill with the half-marathon training, which calls for five days of running a week. Has anyone done the everyday thing along with intense cardio? I'm mostly concerned with injuring myself (or, you know, NOT injuring myself!).
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I keep thinking that I'd like to give the 30 days in a row thing a whirl, but I'm a little worried it will be too much time/effort in combination with half-marathon training. As it is, I did the video on Monday, then ran Tuesday and today, and my knee is KILLING me. Still, I can't get over this little nugget that believes I'll really lose the crazy amount of weight she guarantees if I do the video for 30 days straight. I'd almost be willing to abandon the half-marathon if it were true (what is it, like 16 pounds in 30 days?)!

    Go with the marathon. There is reason you are skeptical :)

    Like you, I continued my normal workout routine which consists of both weight training and cardio and then I added the 30DS video and did it when I got home at night (and I did it religiously for 30 days, not missing one workout). I don't think I've read one person's results on here where the actual numbers on the scale were big.

    I, for one, in 30 full days, lost only 4 lbs total ... however, I lost over 8.25" overall. Ppl kept asking me how much weight I'd lost in the last month and didn't believe me that I hadn't really, it was just that everything was toning up and I was replacing fat for muscle. That was fantastic (aside from the fact that none of my clothes fit b/c they are 2 sizes too big and the buget is kinda tight to be replacing everything I own at once) ...
  • lucky1304
    lucky1304 Posts: 57 Member

    Go with the marathon. There is reason you are skeptical :)

    Like you, I continued my normal workout routine which consists of both weight training and cardio and then I added the 30DS video and did it when I got home at night (and I did it religiously for 30 days, not missing one workout). I don't think I've read one person's results on here where the actual numbers on the scale were big.

    I, for one, in 30 full days, lost only 4 lbs total ... however, I lost over 8.25" overall. Ppl kept asking me how much weight I'd lost in the last month and didn't believe me that I hadn't really, it was just that everything was toning up and I was replacing fat for muscle. That was fantastic (aside from the fact that none of my clothes fit b/c they are 2 sizes too big and the buget is kinda tight to be replacing everything I own at once) ...

    So do you feel like it's doable--running five days a week and doing Shred for seven? It sounds like you combined it well with cardio and saw nice results. Or do I just do the Shred on the two days a week that my HM training plan calls for strength training?
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    So do you feel like it's doable--running five days a week and doing Shred for seven? It sounds like you combined it well with cardio and saw nice results. Or do I just do the Shred on the two days a week that my HM training plan calls for strength training?

    It's probably do-able, but very fatiguing to do all your normal HM training and the video on top of it. My normal weight training/cario workout was 45 minutes of each and then I did the video on top of that at home (and my cardio was a combo of running (3-6 miles), treadmill HIIT or ellipctical).

    There were a few days that I would wake up and my body definately told me I had over done it the day before, so on those days, I would ease up a little and my cardio that day I would walk on the treadmill at about a 4.2 MPH, 2.5 incline and with 2.5lb hand weights in each hand instead of something more high intensity. I could still burn calories, but it was easier on my tired body.

    Because the Shred video is only 12 minutes of actual strength training (3 circuits with 3 minutes of combined strength and one minute of abs (which I very much consider strength training) for each circuit for a total of 4 minutes for each of 3 circuits - it might not be enough strength training for the HM since I'm not sure what the normal strength goal is there??

    I'm considering an attempt at a HM myself ... I have this need to push myself to do things I thought utter impossible before! :)
  • lucky1304
    lucky1304 Posts: 57 Member

    I'm considering an attempt at a HM myself ... I have this need to push myself to do things I thought utter impossible before! :)

    Let me know if you decide to go for it! I've got three under my belt and can answer any questions you have. :)