Alberto Ramos -- who else wants six-pack abs by 11-11-11!!!!

I recently set a goal of washing clothes on my stomach by november, to help accomplish this I attended a nutrition information seminar and with a very basic limited understanding of information I'm attempting to get crazy, outrageous, sculpted 6-pack abs by 11-11-11. So I'm doing 2 things P90X and dieting... The P90X thing, that's the easy part, I've been working out all my life, the hard part is knowing what to eat to get my desired results. I honestly don't know, From the 2hr long nutrition session I gathered that eating less sugars forces your body to burn fat for energy and that fat and protien build muscle and stuff. So I'm attempting to limit my sugar and carb intake to make my body burn fat. Thus far I've lost 24lbs and I seem to keep losing weight so maybe my diet and workout regimen are working! Anybody out there looking for support I'm your man, I'd love to dive through your food diaries and reccomend changes, but only if I can get the same in return. So hit me up anytime ppl beacuse dieting, just like wiorking out, saving, movies, playing video games, hiking, life, is always better and easier when you have a bunch of like minded kiddos surrounding ya!

lastly I love the site, I've been on it for 6 weeks now and it makes life oh soooo easy!