Wii ZUMBA vs. ZUMBA Dvds



  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    The good thing about the live class is also that what you are going to pay for the game could possibly pay for 2 months of live classes at a local park or community center depending on where you live. Also I find with the live class you are more likely to put in as much effort as you are capable of cause you don't want to be that person in the back that isn't even trying to keep up. Plus you can make some new friends that will keep you accountable and will wonder if you don't show up one day.
  • jolieblossom
    I do the zumba dvd's. I havent tried the wii zumba or gone to classes yet. I do enjoy the dvd's, and I like the cardio party the most. It's tough but in a different way. since its cardio, my heart beats like crazy through the whole thing and my legs can get very tired. but the cool thing about that is if you need to catch your breath for a second i think you would be able to do that better at home than if you were in the class- you might get trampled over, haha. but i think the classes would be so neat since there would be actual people there and it would be more energizing. either way, you will love zumba.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I would suggest renting them? If you have netflix you could rent the DVD's and I know blockbuster rents games. Try them out before you are stuck with something you don't like.
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    I have heard really great things about the DVDs and really poor things about the Wii & Kinect.

    I couldn't afford either so I went on youtube and made a playlist of zumba routines. There are so many instructors posting their routines on there. This ensures that I like the music & and feel comfortable with the routine (not too fast, too slow, etc). I have three different "classes" of videos that have about 17-20 songs in each. I hook my computer to the big tv downstairs with a 15-prong cord and just do it like that. For the longest time I just did it following on my laptop (until my brother gifted me with a cord... I do like the tv better). Anyway, if you are like me and don't have the funds or do not want to shell out the funds but still want to enjoy zumba from home then you can do the youtube thing.

    Just a few of the youtube zumba instructor users I like. There are many many more.


    Thanks for posting these links! These are way better than some I had found.
  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    I go to a Zumba Studio 3-5 times a week, but if I can't make it, I use Zumba on the Kinect. They're basically the same, but I love the energy the class has. :)
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Hmm. They BOTH sound good, lol!
    Live classes are NOT an option right now. :( There are going to be some temporary classes in the area, but it's before my husband gets off work, (4 kids under 5), so I can't go. Can't bring myself to ask some one to watch the kids twice a week for however long the classes go.