First spin class.... OMG!!!



  • nickiben
    nickiben Posts: 117 Member
    Yeah, if your arms were hurting you were gripping the handlebars too much. You gotta keep a light touch. It's something to work on. Hang in there! Go at your own pace and resistance! The class I took today the instructor was FLYING - her legs were a blur. No one else in the class could go that fast.

    Yeah, I was probably gripping on so much so I didnt fall off and collapse into a big pile on the floor!!! :laugh:
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Yes spin is super Challenginge anything it will get easier but what's great you can always push self harder so it doesn't get boring!I love it don't give up!:happy: :tongue:
  • nickiben
    nickiben Posts: 117 Member
    Don't give up! I started spinning about 4 months ago and was really intimidated. I wasn't able to hit the RPMs the instructor was shouting out, but I kept trying. the first month my tush really hurt after each class, but I hung in there. I will still say it is a challenge, but when I finish that class I feel so incredibly pumped and strong! I still stuggle with hitting the target RPMs sometimes, but I have come a long way. The other thing that I have noticed is periodically new people will try the class. Serveral of them have looked like they were in good shape, better than me for sure. At least 4 of them have quit the class in the middle. Good luck! I'm going tonight to class. I'll be thinking of you!:drinker:

    Thats the thing - just because its hard, dont quit!!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I used to go spinning 3 times a week and loved it!! :heart: it does take a while to get into and yes the instructor will keep telling you to turn the resistance up and down but you go with what feels comfortable for you. The only thing I hated about spinning was the sore *kitten* after some classes!! Unfortunately, the local leisure centre I was a member of stopped running spin classes so I got out of the habit of going and cancelled my membership...they've started again recently...but now I do Tae Kwon Do instead.

    Given yourself time to get into it and enjoy it :smile:
  • nickiben
    nickiben Posts: 117 Member
    Fortunately I didnt get a sore backside, as I go horse riding a lot, so think I have buns of steal!!
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I'm a "cyclist". I do metric century rides. Around 65 miles. My biking goal for the month is 400 miles. That said...I HATE spinning. I tried it once after I had been biking for a couple months and had to take the walk of shame 15 minutes in. My legs just wouldn't go any more. A couple years later, after I had done a couple 65 milers, I thought, ok, I've got this...and I took another class. I refused to give up, but I hated every minute of it. :grumble: I have persevered through rides that lasted way longer than they should have..I did Mr. Frog's Wild Ride in Calaveras County CA. Sucker was all mountains! It took me NINE hours. But I never gave up. It sucked! But I will go back and do it again. But I will NEVER take another spin class. I'm not sure if it's the perky instructor cranking away up there making it look easy while my legs are screaming for mercy, or just the fact that I'm getting all the burn without any of the scenery or the WHEEEEE...but, no, as you may have guessed..not a fan of spin.
  • nickiben
    nickiben Posts: 117 Member
    I'm a "cyclist". I do metric century rides. Around 65 miles. My biking goal for the month is 400 miles. That said...I HATE spinning. I tried it once after I had been biking for a couple months and had to take the walk of shame 15 minutes in. My legs just wouldn't go any more. A couple years later, after I had done a couple 65 milers, I thought, ok, I've got this...and I took another class. I refused to give up, but I hated every minute of it. :grumble: I have persevered through rides that lasted way longer than they should have..I did Mr. Frog's Wild Ride in Calaveras County CA. Sucker was all mountains! It took me NINE hours. But I never gave up. It sucked! But I will go back and do it again. But I will NEVER take another spin class. I'm not sure if it's the perky instructor cranking away up there making it look easy while my legs are screaming for mercy, or just the fact that I'm getting all the burn without any of the scenery or the WHEEEEE...but, no, as you may have guessed..not a fan of spin.

    Thats really interesting that you found them so different, even though they're both on a bike. I suppose you just have to do what you enjoy to be able to stick with it. I'm going again on Sunday, so hopefully that will be a tiny bit easier!!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    What makes spinning harder than cycling is the fact that you are going balls out for a full hour. There are periods in cycling that you rest your legs for a few. Spinning gets easier but listen to your body and don't burn your legs out. I have been going once a week for a few months and I love it so much. It has helped me improve in so many ways but especially with my cycling. My legs are looking amazing from it too.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I stand in awe of those of you who complete a spin class! You're amazing!
  • Fitandsexy_fe
    Fitandsexy_fe Posts: 50 Member
    I love spin class! but let me tell you at first i hated it! i went more and more and my endurance built like crazy. I love the intensity and its a challenge everytime but once it is over, I feel great! i stay stick with it a couple more classes and you may like it!
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    I go to spinning once a week and love it! The instructor/music makes a huge difference IMHO. It does take several months to really get your body used to it, but in terms of a group cardio class I think it's great! I'm not super coordinated and so I'm a bit turned off by cardio dance/zumba type classes.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    Stick with it! You will love it. Make sure to talk with the instructor so that your bike is properly set up for your height. And you may want to take it easy your first few times with the resistance. But as you get stronger your legs will get stronger and you will have no problems and just a lot of fun!

    The instructor kept sayin "turn it up!", and I kept thinking "I cant, I need to turn it down!!" I know I will see results, it was just a bit of a shock to the system :happy:
    The instructor is probably trying to motivate, not intimidate. A good instructor will seek out new people, help them with bike fit, suggest they sit more often, and keep resistance down, while they are getting used to it. Talk to instructor before class. He or she will probably help you feel a lot more at ease. If not, I say you have a loser of an instructor, but if you think you'll enjoy it, ignore him/her and do what you feel like anyway.
  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    There are old ladies in my class who kick my azz every time I go. Thay're always there at the time that I can make it so they must do it often. It's hard but gets easier. It'll always be a "workout", though. My instructor comes out sweating and burns hundreds of calories.