
Hello...I have a question and would appreciate any help I can get! I start MFP this week and I have a question about logging my food. Every day I stay under my caloric goal...but, I seem to go over my recommendation for sugar... will this hinder my weight loss...I am trying very hard to watch what I eat and read labels to stay away from sugar!! HELP!! My weight is not moving and it brings me down...even though I had a 3lb weight loss this week. I am trying to stick to a once a week weigh-in, but a friend of mine said it's better to weigh-in every day do you can keep track better!! So, it's hard for me to stay away from the scale.


  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with me on this, but I'll say it anyway. I watch my calories first and foremost. Then I *try* to stay near my "goals" for the other nutrients. However, I don't really pay all that much attention to them. I know I probably go over sugar due to fruit and I'm probably high in sodium as well (I've always eating a LOT of sodium, so even cutting back at all is good). Now, I did the same thing last year and lost 30 pounds in about 3 months. I then stopped counting calories, went back to my old habits, and gained 15 of it back. :-( I'm back now and I've lost 5 lbs this week (my first week back). So I don't believe going over on your sugar will hinder weight loss... UNLESS you are sitting there eating spoonfuls of sugar. Just eat healthy... Fruit & other healthy foods do have a lot of sugar in them.

    I think weigh-ins are a personal preference. A lot of people say weigh-ins one a week are ideal because your weight tends to fluctuate daily. Therefore, a weekly weigh in will give you a better idea of what your losing/gaining. That being said, I weigh in every day. I do it to help keep me on track. If I see a gain, I know that it's most likely due to not enough water the day before, or too much sodium... or something. As long as I stayed under my calorie goal, it can't be a "real" gain... it takes 3500 calories to make a pound. Unless I ate 3500 calories more than I burned the day before, I can't possibly gain a full pound over the course of one day.

    If I see a loss, I know that it may be unrealistically large due to fluctuations as well. So, I weigh every day, but I keep Fridays as my "official" weigh in day. Hope that makes sense. And good luck!
  • teachgem
    teachgem Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you so much!!!