My first day!

JS295 Posts: 27 Member
Hi everyone. I've never been a calorie counter or good at writing down what I've eaten, so I was excited to find this! About 6 years ago I lost 80 pounds. While pregnant 2 years ago I gained (yikes!) back 75. I've managed to lose 40 pounds since then, but have found the last 35 very hard to lose. I'm turning over a new leaf and have the gotten the exercise routine back. Hopefully keeping track of the calories will do the trick. I need to get the skinny clothes out of hibernation!!

Will definitely need support!! I'm a stay at home mom of a toddler, so if any moms out there are in the same boat, let me know!

Thanks :smile:


  • smallerthighs
    Hi..welcome aboard. I'm a newbie too. I joined on the 27th of July...and lost 4 pounds since. This site is FANTASTIC . You'll meet some good's super simple to track your meals and eater consumption. If you need and help..or an ear..or shoulder..gimme a bizz buzz!!!. Have a great time, my fellow "loser" :happy:
  • smallerthighs
    Haha..oop's....that should read WATER consumption. I'm such a goof. :laugh:
  • shayshay111586
    hello i hope i can get some support from this site please need help lose the weight