Light Banana Pudding Pie

Ingredients: 1Pie shell, 1 1/2 bananas, sugar free puddings (2 kinds), nuts, whipped topping

One Pie Shell baked at 450 degrees for 10 min. (be sure to prick bottom)

Let it cool.

Slice ripe banana's in bottom of dish.

Add 1 cup of 2% milk to a small box of sugar-free vanilla (or banana) pudding
It will be thick. Drop by spoonfuls onto banana's and spread with spoon.

Add by spoonful 2 cups lite whipped topping

Add 1 cup of 2% milk to a small box of sugar free chocolate pudding. Spread.

Optional: Drizzle lightly with chocolate. Top with salted peanuts or pecans.

Chill for 1 hour in frig at least. slice and serve. delicious.
