Really weird change in breasts.. paranoid! :(



  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    get it checked out, don't suffer in silence.

    The girl who said she'd rather die than get her breasts checked out, if you don't do it for yourself do it for the people who love you!

  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    I also think anything you are worried about should be checked ... but it is also possible that it is entirely normal.
    If you have never breastfed before they could be mammary glands.

    If you breast-feed for a long time and then go to the gyaenocologist for a checkup, then he feels your breasts and feels that the mammary glands no longer hold their shape and he says "oh you breast fed for a long time, your breasts are all limp :(

    (personal experience :(
  • laureneva15
    Ok, before you start freaking out too much...

    What is underneath your skin is normally lumpy, bumpy, irregular and freaky. Especially around the breast area - depending on where you are in TOM can also change how things feel under them. And if you are using the wrong technique to self examine your breasts (like using the finger tips not the pads of your fingers) you are going to feel a lot more things that maybe normal but will freak you out nonetheless.

    If you are concerned please then go to your doctor. They will not laugh at you, think your silly or paranoid, nothing like that at all (and if they do SLAP THEM!). They will (or at least should) teach you how to self examine your breasts properly (if you don't know how to do so already) including techniques and patterns to get a thorough examination (most women don't know but you are supposed to go up under the armpit because you have breast tissue there as well)
    They would much rather you come in and have it checked out, even if it does turn out to be nothing, simply ease your mind.

    Which, is what I recommend you do. And while you're there get the whole kit done and have a pap.
  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    Certainly see your Dr to get it checked, but try not to stress too much.

    I had a similar thing happen and was due for a pap smear so the doctor checked it out at the same time. Said it was just normal scar tissue that had accumulated over a number of years (which we all have to some degree) but was obvious to the touch now due to losing weight.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    If you are concerned please then go to your doctor. They will not laugh at you, think your silly or paranoid, nothing like that at all (and if they do SLAP THEM!). They will (or at least should) teach you how to self examine your breasts properly (if you don't know how to do so already) including techniques and patterns to get a thorough examination (most women don't know but you are supposed to go up under the armpit because you have breast tissue there as well)
    They would much rather you come in and have it checked out, even if it does turn out to be nothing, simply ease your mind.
    Interesting you should say this. Someone where I work was diagnosed with breast cancer and our whole office got a bit worried because she'd had no signs or symptoms other than one day just finding a lump - under her armpit.

    I had an appt at the GP anyway for something else and while I was there I asked whether they could do a breast exam, or teach me how to do it myself properly, and the answer I got was basically "No. We don't do that anymore. We just encourage women to be more self-aware and examine their breasts themselves." :noway: I was also told that the best time to do this was while in the shower, as the skin is wet and more easy to slide your fingers over and that makes it easier to spot anything that might be wrong, and to look up the correct technique on the internet!! This was a female GP as well.

    To the OP, I have also found a similar issue with lumps or odd feeling bits that were *apparently* not there before. For me specifically they are across the front of my ribcage (where my cleavage is) and also down the top-outer side slope of the breast. The outer slope bit is more of a ridge than a lump if that makes sense! They don't hurt and they are there in exactly the same place on each side. I have come to the conclusion that they have always been there but I am just noticing them more because of the weight-loss - and I've only lost about 20lbs.

    But if you're worried then get yourself checked out, much better to be safe than sorry about any of these things!
  • laureneva15
    If you are concerned please then go to your doctor. They will not laugh at you, think your silly or paranoid, nothing like that at all (and if they do SLAP THEM!). They will (or at least should) teach you how to self examine your breasts properly (if you don't know how to do so already) including techniques and patterns to get a thorough examination (most women don't know but you are supposed to go up under the armpit because you have breast tissue there as well)
    They would much rather you come in and have it checked out, even if it does turn out to be nothing, simply ease your mind.
    Interesting you should say this. Someone where I work was diagnosed with breast cancer and our whole office got a bit worried because she'd had no signs or symptoms other than one day just finding a lump - under her armpit.

    I had an appt at the GP anyway for something else and while I was there I asked whether they could do a breast exam, or teach me how to do it myself properly, and the answer I got was basically "No. We don't do that anymore. We just encourage women to be more self-aware and examine their breasts themselves." :noway: I was also told that the best time to do this was while in the shower, as the skin is wet and more easy to slide your fingers over and that makes it easier to spot anything that might be wrong, and to look up the correct technique on the internet!! This was a female GP as well.

    To the OP, I have also found a similar issue with lumps or odd feeling bits that were *apparently* not there before. For me specifically they are across the front of my ribcage (where my cleavage is) and also down the top-outer side slope of the breast. The outer slope bit is more of a ridge than a lump if that makes sense! They don't hurt and they are there in exactly the same place on each side. I have come to the conclusion that they have always been there but I am just noticing them more because of the weight-loss - and I've only lost about 20lbs.

    But if you're worried then get yourself checked out, much better to be safe than sorry about any of these things!

    Hmm that's weird :s
    Have you tries a different doctor to see if you get the same result?

    I was just going off what we were told in class (1st year student nurse) and my general interactions with my GP.
    Whenever I go in with a concern like that (once it just turned out to me an inflamed hair around the nipple lol) she would examine it and remind of self examination techniques (duh that's how I found it in the first place) but said if I did have any concerns to always come back.
    However I am not sure where you live it may be different there (I'm from Australia) and my doctor is concerned for me when I do find lumps in my breast because a primary family member (my mum) had breast cancer when she was 33 and if you have a primary member with breast cancer in your family history (and there's a lot of history on both sides) then generally the risk of you getting it is significantly increased and they like to screen you from about 10years earlier than the age that person got it from, or investigate genetic counselling if need be if there is significant history. Both of which my doctor has said may need to happen.

    I will apologise if none of that makes sense its nearly 1am here and I'm typing on my phone and I'm drowsy from sleeping meds.
    But please ladies, do not freak out, if you do have any concerns go discuss them with your doctor or go to a clinic. The health field (or at least in Australia its going this way) is very big on patient education because no one knows your body better than you. Hence why they want you to come in and learn self examination techniques.
    They do recommend doing it once a month (can't remember right now where in TOM to do it tho but do remember it needs to be consistent) while you are in the shower. Same as they recommend men doing a self breast and prostate examination once a month in the shower (yes guys you have breast tissue too, yes it can get cancer too)

    But please any concerns or questions you may have, then go to your doctor.