
Hello. I am, obviously, new to the community. I'll refer to myself as H. This is my first time tracking my calorie intake and I've found that it's actually quite fun! Anything I can turn into a game will help me remember to update my logs frequently (I'm 26, but my attention span is just about as good as a 6 year old's).

This website is an excellent tool. It's nice to know I'm not in this alone. I'm glad I stumbled across it in my new found ambition to lose weight and tone out. 35 pounds, to be exact. It's going to be a tough and long first couple of weeks but I'm sure I'll find it easier with time. My boyfriend is taking this journey with me, but he's doing the opposite - he wants to gain a little weight and tone out.

I'm excited to feel better in the mornings, healthier throughout the day, and active. My body or my metabolism isn't how it was when I was 18 years old anymore and it depresses me more with each day. My sworn enemy is the mirror. I know I'll never get my 18 year old killer body back, but I'd like to get close to it or at least feel sexy and light again.

Well, I think that's it. I normally don't participate in these introductions, but I figured I would here - and for some reason I poured my heart out. I guess I'm pretty passionate about this. Time to stick to a plan.