New to MFP...body is in shock!



  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    I found the trick for me on days I have to stick to 1200 is REAL, CLEAN food......not packaged things. Lean meats, veggies, fruits, whole grains like couscous and whey protein shakes. This keeps me full. But I also agree with the people above that you may need to be eating more calories.
  • corapie
    corapie Posts: 21 Member
    Good luck! Depending on your height & current weight 1200 might be too low a starting point, especially if you are really feeling hungry. I agree with drinking lots of water & I like to use lots of low calorie filler foods like veggies & popcorn & skim milk all day long to make sure I never even get hungry. Feel free to add me, & remember the first few days may be the hardest.