Afraid to run :(

*sighs* I'm afraid to run. I know that sounds silly but......

I've never ran. Ok maybe once or twice for like 30 seconds while in gym class in highschoo/primary school. In general I've never ran. Never jogged. Never sprinted. Never desired to do any of those things.

I'm afraid. What if I fall? What if I get injured? What if I can't breath? What if.... I don't know how.....

I've decided (mostly because my bf said there was no way I could do it) that I was going to run/briskly walk/jog a 5k.

It's on Oct. At this point the fastest I am able to go on the treadmill is 3.0miles per hour. So I could atleast finish the 5k in just over an hour?!?!

I have a metal plate and 6 screws in my right leg, according to my dr this should not hold me back....

I feel this fear is holding me back. What if my bf is right and I can't run/briskly walk/jog a 5k?




  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I have a plate and 11 screws in one of my legs and had a rod in the other. I was able to run, but didn't because I was lazy. I don't run now, because of other issues, but I fully intend to run again. Start at a comfortable pace and go. try a Couch to 5K (C25K) program, it eases you into the running portion. Good luck!
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    What if my bf is right and I can't run/briskly walk/jog a 5k?



    And what if your boyfriend is WRONG? Go for've set a goal, now work towards it.....slowly you will gain speed and confidence.
  • Running is something a body just knows how to do. With practice it gets more comfortable and easier to go farther or faster. Training for a 5k, I wouldn't worry so much about speed, rather focus on finishing. If you can move your body that far, you have accomplished something and you should be proud. After you know you can go that far, try to go a little faster. Go a quarter of the work out at a comfortable pace, the next quarter really push yourself but not so far you think you're doing damage, the next ease back down to comfortable, and the last quarter push yourself again. Your body will let you know when you've done something wrong, trust it and trust yourself. You can do it.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    If I can run, you can run. Like TDGee says, Google C25K. It's a slow increase and if you need to repeat a week, you can.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I never ran while thin or fat... because I told myself I couldn't. I currently run in intervals of 80 sec walk 80 sec run. I started running 9.5km/h the other day.. I felt like I was flying and that's when it clicked..this is why people love running... because you feel like you can fly!
  • Joisgettingfit
    Joisgettingfit Posts: 160 Member
    I'd recommend the c25k plan/couch to 5k plan
    it aims to get complete beginners like yourself running a 30 minutes or 5k in 9 weeks. Since you have till October if you start know by then you'll deffo be able to do it :D

    here's the plan

    Try not to think about the what if's, I know that's hard but i find once i'm out there doing it those thoughts tend to be forgotten anyway.
    As for your metal plate and screws if the Doctor said it shouldn't physically hold you back then it shouldn't, look up Sarah Reinertsen ,she's an inspiration.
  • ch112803
    ch112803 Posts: 22 Member
    *sighs* I'm afraid to run. I know that sounds silly but......

    I've never ran. Ok maybe once or twice for like 30 seconds while in gym class in highschoo/primary school. In general I've never ran. Never jogged. Never sprinted. Never desired to do any of those things.

    I'm afraid. What if I fall? What if I get injured? What if I can't breath? What if.... I don't know how.....

    And what if you don't and find out you love to run. I always found running difficult even when I was younger, but I found it gave me a way to clear my head when I was running. Just start out slow and do a few minutes of walking and a few minutes of running, and build up to it.
  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    I have a plate and 11 screws in one of my legs and had a rod in the other. I was able to run, but didn't because I was lazy. I don't run now, because of other issues, but I fully intend to run again. Start at a comfortable pace and go. try a Couch to 5K (C25K) program, it eases you into the running portion. Good luck!

    I agree. Couch to 5K program is the best...

    I never thought I could ever be a runner (not because of physical limitations, but because I just didn't think I was capable of doing it), but it amazes me every day of the program that I can actually keep up!

    Very gradual, so totally doable!

    Go girl!
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    Why do you have a bf that says you can't? I hope they are joking! There are probably a couple thousand people on here who have had the exact same thoughts and fears as you, and we'll all tell you, from out own experience - YOU CAN DO IT!:drinker: I'm training for a marathon and a year ago I could uncomfortably run a quarter mile...
  • mcheater
    mcheater Posts: 1 Member
    Running Room ( has a 5K as well as a learn to run program that is super cheap and helps keep you on track - you have one class and two practices per week and if you don't do all three, you fall behind so it really makes you work.

    Sorry if someone already mentioned this - but I found it very helpful. Also, the C25K program is super awesome as well - whether you are running outside or on a treadmill :)
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Another vote for C25K.
    If it can get me running it can get anybody running.
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Don't let your fear own you! Imagine all the things you would never do if you didn't try them just because you've never done it before. :) You CAN do it. Keep training. Even if you do walk it most of the way, finish it! Then train some more and try it again! You will be able to do it eventually. So he's wrong all the way around. :P"

    Also, what's up with your boyfriend?! He's supposed to encourage you, not make you feel like giving up! Is he a little overweight as well? Maybe he's putting all his uncertainty and self consciousness on you...Is he afraid that after you achieve your goals you'll leave him? Try to figure out why he's being such a jerk, if it's something you can talk to him about, do so. See if he wants to train with you. If he won't talk or it seems he's just being mean, ask yourself if this is the kind of negative relationship you want to be in forever. You deserve better. Tell him that really hurts your feelings and see what he says.
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    You know I use to run a block and stop because I couldn't handle it and I wasn't over weight. I could never run a 5 k the whole time. I kept it up though. You know what turned me into a runner that can go with out stopping!?! Believe it or not Tony Horton (creator of P90x) his plyometric workout. After doing that for about a month I was able to run 3 miles straight after not running for a while. You can do it. Running became part of my life then. I would just use it to escape and listen to my music and get lost in my thoughts. Keep it up and you too will love it-I promise!!!
  • gfergus1
    gfergus1 Posts: 17
    I thought the same thing until I started the Couch-to-5K program! I am at the end of week #2 and going strong. I highly recommend it!!
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    You can run, you just choose not to. Don't let fear hold you back. Every journey starts with a first step so go out and take that first step. Tell yourself you can run and then just go out and see how far you can run then keep doing it everyday and increase time and distance. You might be surprised just how far you can go.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    I would say don't start C25K yet. During the first month or so go out for walks at least 3 or 4 times a week and build up some endurance while you deal with your fear and try different routes.

    After that and if you feel like you can try to run, start the C25K program, its a great start. If you feel it is too hard for you at the start add another week or two and start with smaller intervals of running.

    Build up your endurance and aerobic capacity and you'll see great results soon.

    Saturday I'll be running 20 mins non stop for the first time since high school... Looking forward to it! :)
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    I'm with you on the running, except I have nothing but lack of confidence holding me back. I feel awkward when I run, so I avoid it. I think twice I've run on the treadmill before. My husband promptly came in to make sure I was OK because he said he "heard a bunch of thundering noise" and the whole house was shaking. Thanks for the confidence boost, hubby! Sheesh. But that was a while ago.

    I'm going to take the suggestions of others and look up the couch to 5k program. We can train together if you want :)
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    Jen, I am too. However, I did used to run and I did have a bad fall in December of 2008. Since then, I have had surgery to repair my ankle (Grade 2 ATFL sprain/ligaments) and just recently (June 1), my shoulder. When I landed, it dislocated and I tore my labrum in 2 places. They had to fix those (they DO NOT heal on their own) and also tighten up some severely stretched out ligaments. My shoulder kept trying to dislocate ~ even while just walking and having my arms swing in a normal gate, I could feel it slipping.

    It is scary! I will never run again because it has NOT been worth what *I* have been thru. I have 4-6 months total recovery time on just my shoulder (from June 1). It has been a very tough recovery :/

    However, if you are wearing the right shoes, watching what you are doing and not trying to hurry...and you follow the right plan, it is such a great exercise!! I trained w/ the C25k plan, too. I ran my first 5k the week before my fall. I am not trying to discourage you! But, just wanted to say that things can happen. If you are klutzy like me, then avoid it and find something else!!
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    You know I use to run a block and stop because I couldn't handle it and I wasn't over weight. I could never run a 5 k the whole time. I kept it up though. You know what turned me into a runner that can go with out stopping!?! Believe it or not Tony Horton (creator of P90x) his plyometric workout. After doing that for about a month I was able to run 3 miles straight after not running for a while. You can do it. Running became part of my life then. I would just use it to escape and listen to my music and get lost in my thoughts. Keep it up and you too will love it-I promise!!!

    This is so true. I recently started to run and can now run 3.5 miles without stopping. I also was doing plyometrics for about 2 months before I started. It strengthened my legs and butt. I was shocked the first time I ran, I went for a mile without stopping. Plyometrics is a killer, but I finally have some leg and butt muscles.
  • samdot
    samdot Posts: 12
    me and my sister are currently doing the c25k and before we started this we have never run and been extremely over weight i to was very affaird!! (my fear is falling down breaking my legs and no one been strong enough to pick me up) but 5 weeks on i can now comfortably run!! not for long periods (5 mins max) i would highly recommend c25k as it easier s you into to running the first week you only run for sec and have a 90 sec recovery and then do 90sec again and so for about 20 mins, and as the weeks go on you increase the length of time you run and reduce your recovery time, im currently running for 5 mins have 3 mins recovery time and its only the 5th week!! and i feel so proud of myself i never thought i could do this but following a program really helps!!! i would also suggest getting good trainers i have very high arches and i went to my local sports shop and the pointed me in the right direction for running shoes that accommodate this and it helps me loads! good luck and if you put your mind to ull be running your 5k in no time!!! xxx